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  1. Yeah...I took this down...I think my work just doesn't belong here... You guys are really good and pretty hardcore...I'm just a casual player... Thanks for all the input...any casual players out there, hit me up... GamerTag = Gearedmah22
  2. Please don't mistake my question...I SERIOUSLY wasn't trying to be an ass...I wasn't like, "How can you bash it...yadda, yadda..." I'd love if you played it...and I'd love if i could be there for it...I added the teles and want to see if that helps. My gamertag is Gearedmah22....I'll send you a friend request.
  3. Not what I meant....I meant I think you and the other guy downloaded the map, but I'm not sure if you guys actually played the map other than looking at in Forge. That wasn't a comment about "Why isn't my map more popular?" it was simply stating that I don't know how the downloads work...if you guys did play it with some friends, they must have loaded it off of you and not from the file share...I don't know if I'm making sense? I guess I'm saying there's criticisms about gameplay and I don't know if it's actually been played...and I'm not saying that in a jerk kind of way...just a question...you know?
  4. Not if I soft killzone the teles...right? Trust me...I've built maps before And there's always a way to squash that ****e player from doing that ****e thing. Man...I'd love if you guys would play with me when I get this done...you...help me playtest? I haven't seen any increases in the actual downloads of the maps, so either people are loading the map off of you guys or there's still no actual play testing going on...but, yeah...I added a few things to this and Paradigm and I'd love to get them actually playtested....figure out if I need to just abandon them or if I'm on to something, ya know?? There's always the exception to the rule...so...is mine the exception? or a law-abiding citizen??!!! My gamertag is gearedmah22 if you guys are interested...no hard feelings if you're not...later! And thanks again!
  5. Thanks for all of the feedback...I'll definitely keep it in mind for future builds. I'd really like to give the map a proper test before completely condemning it...I never have anyone to help me test my maps, so...I never know what to fix/adjust/abandon...but all the feedback is definitely understandable and makes sense. When Zandril first mentioned it, I got the idea for some teleporters to shorten the trips and also provide routes new routes from A to B...not sure if it will help, but I guess that's what playtesting is for, right? Anyways...need to get to fixing things and revamping stuff...thanks for all the honest feedback!
  6. Hmmm...didn't realize I had the random drop with nothing....have to give it a once over...I've already changed the colorings. Again, I'd really love to playtest it myself and see what you're referring to...I understand there's a dead end room, but let's face it...there aren't any REAL rules...but I do understand what you're saying. I definitely need to get a group of people to bounce ideas off of and then I can avoid uploading (or even finishing) useless maps. As far as the weapons, I kind of randomly grabbed stuff and dropped it in hoping to playtest it and work things out...but since no one ever really plays my maps, I don't spend a lot of time on things like that...I guess if I were getting more hits and more feedback, I'd spend more time...hell, most of my maps in Reach still have never seen a single fight. Anyways...looks like I've got homework to get started on...and now that I have somewhat of a line on playtesters, maybe I can try uploading something of value again later? Thanks again for all the feedback!
  7. I'm by no means new to Halo Forge....I've forged in Reach and I have several maps in 4...I've worked with Ivory Knight quite a bit and helped get his map, Working Artillery, to top download in Reach. I've also worked with RifleGaming in the past and helped him get several of his maps into top download. One of my own maps got Spotlighted in Halo Forge Spotlight by DaItalian fish...I think it was Episode 6? It was under my other Gamertag, MickeyBattle. Anyways...I have no problem creating and finishing maps on my own, but working with people like Ivory KNight has taught me that some of the best ideas come from having someone else to bounce ideas off of...so...if you're looking to Forge and want some help...if you'd like to join forces and start making some awesome maps...please feel free to hit me up!! My gamertag is: Gearedmah22 I have a bunch of maps in my FileShare, but that is by no means all of the maps that I have! I'm always working on something new... Hope to hear from you!!
  8. @Zandril - I'll color it and put up an overview map as soon as possible. Thanks for the input.
  9. @Arson - Thanks! I'll message you....I have several I'd love to play test, if you're available! @Zandril - The center isn't playable...I could easily make it playable....you can get there from a few spots, but a couple of grav lifts and it's done. That's one of the reasons I need people to play test with me! I'll put an overview pic up as soon as possible.
  10. ANGUISHED - this UNSC research facility/satellite relay has been hotly contested since it's discovery. It's location, capabilities, and power make it a highly desired commodity. Anguished is a rather large map based around the smallest anvil in Forge Island. It is meant to be played on with between 8 and 16 players. It is set up for most gametypes, including Flood, KOTH, CTF, Oddball, and all Slayer Variants. http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/players/gearedmah22/halo4/fileshare# While I'm not new to Forging, I am new to submitting...so any and all feedback is welcomed! This map (as with ALL of my maps) has not been properly play tested (I just don't know a lot of people)....so, I'd be more than willing to do that if some of you were up to it!?
  11. PARADIGM - A city-esque training facility designed to improve Spartans' Urban Combat Fighting techniques. . Paradigm is a fairly large map. It is intended it to be played with 8-16 players and is set up to play all Slayer types, KOTH, Oddball, CTF, and Extraction. I'm not new to Forge, but I am new to submitting. Any and all feedback is welcomed!! I can tell by looking at some other submissions that "add some color" is going to be a common criticism. This map has not been fully play tested, but I would love to give it a shot if anyone is up for it?! http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/players/gearedmah22/halo4/fileshare#
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