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Inspector McScruffy

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Posts posted by Inspector McScruffy

  1. Halo 4 will win the question for me. But I don't understand why Halo fans are hating on COD and COD fans are hating on Halo. I don't see the point in saying something like that. In my opinion, I think Halo is better because of the story and COD is just more on the realistic side of things, (it's still a good game) that is just my opinion. But if you think differently, then I respect that, and I can see why COD has as many fans as it does. I mean no offense in anything I said.

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  2. I will definetely enjoy playing on this map. :laughing: Blue base reminds me of the bases in Halo 3's Valhalla. they have alot of similarities. It even has a banshee at the back. Was this map intended to be like Valhalla?

  3. Looks like a very cool map. The forging of the bases do look sort of standard, I think that there is alot that you could add to them. perhaps if you add a block to a side of the base with some ramps/inclines leading up to it. Then just expand off that if you want. Other than that it is truly a great map. :thumbsup:

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