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Posts posted by jeremama21

  1. Okay okay the saw is a lmg its the m249 lmg witch is a squad automatic weapon and it does look like a the m236 whatever and yes its look relistic and cartoony and I really hope that the saw is in the loadouts


    And is this weapon going to be in the loadouts and 343 I hope u do make it one

  2. Hey guys this is jeremama21 here and Andrew iam Srry for not being on lately I moved to Ohio and we have to get our internet back on hopefully I can get it back on this week and to who ever is reading this iam the first person to join the clan with Andrew or the clan leader


    I have lead a clan before and been co leader or a clan so if u don't think Andrew can lead this clan I will help any way I can and I hoe to see u guys out on halo 3 halo reach and most importantly Halo 4 and everyone if u haven't go to YouTube and watch halo4 follower Chris has put up a new video showing weapons and a new weapon SAW witch is a lmg but it looks like a forrunner body but not so let's just wait for halo 4 to come out


    If u want to join u can contact Andrew The clan leader or me on my xbox live gamertag is jeremama21 but I might not be on for a while my mom works a lot and she's the only one who can get it back up I don't know the number so Srry about this long message just letting everyone that iam still with the clan




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