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  1. what halo 4 needs is the halo 2 rank system. the halo 2 rank system made sure everybody was trying their hardest every game and it made sure you were getting pared up with kids that were at the same skill level as you were to make the game even more competitive. when i played halo 2, i knew that if i didnt bring my A game then my rank would go down and it would make me try even harder to get that rank back up to where it was and possibily even higher than before. when i play halo reach now, i lay down on the couch with a bag of chips next to me, my phone, and some music playing as well and i know that if i loose, i wouldnt care because you still get rewarded for loosing and that shouldnt happen! you shouldnt get rewarded for loosing this isnt call of duty. Halo became one of the greatest games ever because the rank system was created by people who said, "hey lets make the game competive so we can have players play for hours and truly love our game." when halo reach came out the developers said "lets make a rank system that is similar to call of duty because everbody plays call of duty so they would then want to play our game." look at the ammount of people who actually play reach now, the number of kids who play is about 100,000 less than the people who played halo 3. thats because there is no competitive rank system to keep the players coming back for more. Halo 3 had it perfect, raked and social matches. social matches was a place where you can relax and have fun with friends goofing off and enjoying the game, and for noobs. the ranked matches is where the true gamers would play with their headsets and would play on a little 19 inch monitor to make sure they were at their best and to win as many games as possible to get to the highest rank they possibly can. For the perfect game, halo 4 needs the halo 3 matchmaking system and the halo 2 ranking system for the best possible game and possibly the greatest game since halo 2. its up to 343 to make this happen, and i have faith they would.
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