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Everything posted by Damian_TSL

  1. I did not know that Rabelais used the term "bunghole" in the 16th century... #thingsIlearnedfromStephenFry/QI

  2. Thanks for posting this, Adamj004. For what it's worth, my take on expectations for Halo 4 is that a lot of people get too pissy about details that they want or don't want to see in the game. To me, it's better to just ask that the developer take fan suggestions seriously, but in the end feel free to change what they need to make a really cool, new gaming experience. I think 343 know this and will make something great. Also, for those interested, we're making new episodes again on our site! Here's the latest: http://www.thisspartanlife.com/episodes.php?id=7
  3. Sup new followers? In case you missed our most recent episode: http://t.co/9en4Hw3E

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