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Posts posted by KyoKusagani1999

  1. I hope to become a local member on here.

    My name is (As you may have seen) Defected Huerta. 

    I decided to register because I hope to gain some great information on some Halo artwork I made through traditional pencil art. 

    So yep, see you guys around.



    Hey there, welcome to 343 Industries! We have an entire section devoted to fan dedication!


    Please, step right this way and make yourself at home! There's lots of fantastic creative minds out there that contribute to the innovative game that brings us all together.




    We all wish you good luck with your artwork... Just remember to have fun, and you'll have a blast

    around here hanging out with your fellow fans! You never know, one of these days, you might become official if you achive legendary drawings!

    • Like 1
  2. and the lack of Sangheili.


    Don't even get me started on Jiralhanae. There's ABSOLUTELY NOTHING mentioned about them!.. like.. what... What in Tatarus's name HAPPENED to them after Halo 3?


    For all we know, they could be jumping around like a bunch of Butt Monkeys....

    IN SPACE...... while they dress up fabulously at a talking pony's carousel...  all the meanwhile playing the traditional game of Extreme Floor Peeing back at their home planet.


    The answers were thrown out the window, just like our hopes of exploring deeper into the vast, unknown univese of Halo.

  3. December 2009


    It was that Fateful Christmas day.... I received not only an Xbox 360,

    but a HALO 3 LEGENDARY EDITION XBOX 360! I wasn't too fond of First person shooters at the time...

    but Halo 3 would be the game to set me straight and see how great these games really are.


    Blowing through the campaign for the first time, It really opened my eyes to how gorgeous everything actually is in the world of Halo... As the wind blows on the trees, the Tension of the Marines, along with the Arbiter's eagerness to get going gave those faces character. Shots would make realistic splashes

    on the water, and Helpless Unggoy would be screaming as they gave it all they got just to survive

    2 more seconds.... It all felt........ Alive.... For the first Xbox 360 game I ever played,

    Halo 3 left an unmistakable impression on me... and I haven't backed down from

    it's efforts and achievements ever since.

  4. Regarding the recent articles covering the new Xbox 720... http://www.edge-onli...and-new-kinect/



    ...Always... online...... connection.

    ...No, let me repeat that to make it clear.




    If you don't already see the problems with this, allow me to show you why this is




    Imagine if HALO has this because of the forced connections.


    NOBODY will be able to play a game of Halo 5 EVER AGAIN once the servers for

    the Xbox 720 get shut down for the next console after that.


    Do you want this to be Halo's future?


  5. Well, WELCOME BACK to Halo, sonicbullet534!


    I haven't got a single doubt you'll come out and make some of the best maps we've come

    to know for Halo 4... There's so much to see and do in Forge that you'll feel like

    a Covenant God creating a mere step on the way to completing the Great Journey!


    If you've got creativity, you've got a good idea, and if you've got Forge Skills,

    put the two together like Husband and Wife, you'll get the perfect couple

    that'll be admired by the entire community!


    GOOD LUCK, and enjoy your stay around 343!

  6. We'll Never Miss you, mate....

    It's sad to see another brother of mine go, but....

    We all know that you're going to bigger and better things in life from here.

    Go fourth, and with the strength welling inside you, you'll emerge

    stronger than ever before!


    Whatever you're going to be doing, I'm sure you'll be very successful in doing it.



    We're happy to have you here in this community, alongside every fellow Halo fan around!

    I've gotta be honest with you, though... My GOLD Membership has expired...

    Unfortunately, I won't be able to play with you until it gets renewed,

    but in the meantime, You've got ALL your pack all around you!


    No, we're not a bunch of Brutes, but I'm just somebody that happens to like them. A lot.

    So, in the name of Tatarus, find a mate, and "Tear them into bloody ribbons!"


    You're bound to find lots of good friends willing to play a game or two around here,

    so I wish you the best of luck in finding the perfect partner.. but above all...

    Have fun and enjoy your stay while you're ahead!

  8. Arcades...... were, and are a one of a kind experience. It's where word got out that a Square ball bouncing back and fourth on a black and white monitor (Pong) was going to be the next big thing... Thus, began the rise of the video game industry... Shortly after, Home editions were on the way, leading to the very first video game consoles, even if they only had one game built into them, and they couldn't be changed... This lead to consoles that ran off of cartridges (Magnavox Odyssey), the first high scores to have ever been saved to stare in awe at the glory (Space Invaders), And greater graphics that no home system would ever dream of competing with.



    Needless to say, without arcades, HALO WOULDN'T EXIST along with the entire

    video game industry as we know it nowadays.

  9. I will almost be completely off this site. I will miss all the fellow members i have talked to.Goodbye


    Oh, I will miss you too... Prophet of Regret..... I'm sure you had a wonderful time here, but if real life hits, it hits hard... So... go... take the memories of this board, go fourth, and become a stronger person! You have your whole life ahead of you, so live it. We won't stop you... But just remember that we'll always remember you, and you're more than welcome to come back and say hi anytime! Farewell, and Good luck with the rest of your life!

  10. A few years ago... in 2008... My curiosity led me to discover an Arcade Game Released by RAIZING in 1996... I've never heard of it beforehand... and having the youthful energy of a thousand suns, I dropped my quarters into the mystery machine... "What could this possibly be? Another Typical Shooter game?" Little did I know at the time... but what I discovered was one of the most influental games ever concieved by any development team... The game stormed out into the Roaring 1940's, as World War II was taking place during that time, it was all out disastarous.... True to real life, the skies became dark and stormy... The war-torn lands are a huge haze of industrialization and innovation, having no mercy to what might have been before those smoke clouds stormed the skies with bullets blazing... I had to brace myself, because I've just stepped into the world of..... BATTLE GAREGGA...





    I eagarly jumped straight into the action, with Four Realistic planes to chose from to fight the fateful war that wrought hell upon the world, A majestic take-off awaited out of the Garage and into the battlefield... I thought I was prepared to handle this... I was going to march into that battle, fight patrioticly to stand up for what it meant to be a Hero, and Save the World from the devastation of the dictators once again.... Sounds simple enough to play, right? You've got an awesome airplane, and you fly around, shooting things, picking up power-ups to enhance your firepower, and avoid getting shot yourself... Standard arcade game stuff, right? WRONG. You will FAIL, CONSTANTLY... and you wouldn't even know what hit you until you realize that this game came up with one of the most GENIUS mechanics in the history of video games... and also one that's DIABOLICALLY EVIL to the seventh circle of hell... Rank Control.


    T-10627G_10,,Sega-Saturn-Screenshot-10-Battle-Garegga-JPN.jpg T-10627G_16,,Sega-Saturn-Screenshot-16-Battle-Garegga-JPN.jpg



    You see, this game has an automatic difficulty adjustment system.... Every single second you are playing, the game will keep track of. Every single time you shoot something, collect items or power-ups, use bombs, Change Firing Formation, or Discover Secrets, it will keep track, and INCREASE IT RIGHT ON THE FLY ACCORDINGLY. Therefore, you can only go so far before you realize that Rank Control plays a huge aspect in how you're going to be playing the game... THE ONLY WAY TO DECREASE THE DIFFICULTY IS BY LOSING A LIFE! I Can NOT stress how important that is, because if you fail to contorl the rank properly, and it gets SO HIGH that it hits a huge level... The game won't just become Very Hard... it becomes IMPOSSIBLE. Litereally... IMPOSSIBLE. Don't believe me? Here's what Stage 6 Looks like if you let the rank excell to maximum level... Cheats were used for demonstration purposes.



    (This Post is to be continued... I have things to do, so I'll be back to finish this later! I hope you are curious, because there's so much more to this game than meets the eye, as right here!)

  11. So I just found out that 343 has a site I must be SUPER late :o but is there anything I should know about it?


    Better Late Than Never.... :laughing:

    Oh, and yes, there is something you should know... We all welcome you here, and we all hope for you to have a wonderful time! I'm sure you are bound to have heaps and barrels of fun interacting with our fanbase, for we care, and we share... Sharing is caring, because we all love Halo, and the game that brought us together knows no end to how much it means in our lives! Have fun and take care, now!

    • Like 1
  12. Hmmm... I'd have to say Raffine from Puyo Puyo Fever would make an excellent addition in the fight against an enemy!




    Her attitude towards challenges is second to none... She'd taunt those covenant scum faster than you can hear her brag about it two seconds afterward! Constantly looking for worthy opponents, she'd find a great challenge overcoming the Elites, an entire society based around Warriors! Just wondering what she'd say to them is convincing me she'd fit in extremely well...




    "Well, YOU'VE Got a hotty attitude for an ape that just wandered out of the forest!"

  13. REALLY? This is still an issue after 343 ANNOUNCED information?

    I have no words to describe how senseless tihs argument is now that it was already resolved.

    Just go look it up. Google. Use whatever. The info is truth, and it is out there.


    EDIT: WAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah~ NO BRUTES? Are you SERIOUS? How! This is an injustice to Masculinity! Those guys were HUNKS, and you just threw them out the window? FOR SHAME!... FOR SHAAAAAAME~



    Okay, not that it actualy matters in terms of gameplay... but from a person that's incredibly biased towards those Battle-Hardened Berserkers, I know for a fact they have a culture and history that has yet to be delved into! The fact that I'm not going to learn anything new about my favorite species makes me a SAD warrior.... A Whelp, even! This is Heresy, isn't it?


    (At least For me... Augh, Those suave surfer dude hairstyles.... GONE TO WASTE! Such a crime against fashion too!)

  14. Well... To Be completely honest, I wouldn't qualify with the way I am... I'd get the boot for being the odd one out, in any case.... With my personality, I'm a free spirit, so anything can go with me, and the Spartan Program does not exactly want people like that.... So, The closest thing I compare myself to is an Unggoy... and I'm not unhappy about that at all! Being the loveable tomboy that I am, I always love cracking jokes when a Situation looks bleak... and through that loveable nature, I come off as an oddball to others, but to those friends that I know best, they know that I'm always trying to be a good person on the inside... Even if things look bad, and I'm being enslaved by a race of aliens that took away my species free will... we will band together under friendship, and when I get serious, I GET SERIOUS, just like the Grunts! They finaly overcame their fears in times of doubt and REBELLED against the Covenant... not many would have tried that, mind you!... Just goes to show that when the time is neigh, Anything can get acomplished even by the weakest of the Suicide Squad....


    This is why I compare myself to that Species. Now, Who Wants to play with Blue Balls?..

    Oh... You were saying "CATCH EM?" I forgot.... I don't pay attention... XD



  15. I followed the THFE here...well, here I am.


    Well, Welcome to the Boards! I'm Kyo, and I find that your fun is going to be Flipped and turned upside down, much like a fresh prince!

    In any case, feel free to do whatever the heck you want, because it's your account, do what you want with it!

    Lurk around... get involved in interesting people... and get to know wonderful people that stand for what

    it means to be a Halo Fan! I hope you have a great time here, and good luck!

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