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Everything posted by n0vast0rm

  1. Actually looked into some other posts of the OP, and he actually likes CoD BECAUSE it never changes and thinks HALO MP shouldn't change either. So all your arguments are going to fall on deaf ears (or blind eyes in case of text =P ) if they are meant for the OP.....
  2. Thousands of people wasting time or finding people to play with on playstation home would like a word with you =P
  3. True but a HALO fan SHOULD buy it.....else you are going to be missing out on a new chapter of a HALO universe STORY. And only after experiencing that story for yourself can you say: i did/did not like this story. After that you can play the game online if you wish, and THEN say: i do/do not like how this game works online. Of course you can also watch a stream of someone else playing the story/multiplayer, read reviews of what some other guy thinks of the game/story/multiplayer or just decide up front that because of mechanic X you are not going to buy the game, but in my opinion someone who thinks like that cannot be called a fan.
  4. Absolute confirmation would be, for instance, a press release from 343i What you posted would better be classified as an assumption, and frankly this makes your topic title misleading.
  5. So the whole point of HALO is online? Have to agree with the people who say you're not a HALO fan.
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