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Dr. Dank

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Jackal (2/19)



  1. Yeah I thought you did that, I was a bit confused. I'm not sure if I even have the power to do that. But rest assured, I didn't.
  2. I see where you're coming from mystic, and I wasn't trying to brag about my rank, only convey the fact that I've put quite a few hours into those games. And about the whole market thing, you are right, I can only hope they leave Halo 3's servers up and running I suppose...
  3. After reading that post I'm inclined to believe you. Perhaps it was the three shot burst and the fact the BR could only shoot so fast that masked it in Halo 2/3. Either way, I savaged on reach with zero bloom but there were obvious problems with zero bloom (magnum ect.). So I guess I should have believed you off the bat.
  4. Okay thanks all, and I do believe you meant to burst my bubble. Like I expected, I'm the only one who thinks simpler is better..
  5. Yeah, I have seen all the confirmed info. That is what drove me to make this account and post, I was utterly disgusted. And I'm not a 'you're wrong' kinda guy so I am respectfully requesting your evidence of bloom in other halos. As a 50 in H3 and a 43 in H2 I have never noticed any of my shots being inaccurate no matter how fast I shot...
  6. Don't mean to burst your bubble, but that is incorrect.
  7. Hello, I would like to clear up a few points before I start my -rant!- I absolutely love halo, every single installment except for halo wars (not my cup of tea) and reach's multiplayer (I'll get to that). I am a highly competitive player which may or may not affect my opinions. And lastly, this post is intended for the higher ups at 343 industries (granted they even see/read it). I am begging you to not try and turn halo into cod or some other 'modern fps' as you would say. Granted it may increase sales and appeal to younger gamers, but is that really what this franchise has been reduced to? Do not try and say that you NEED the extra sales or you NEED more of a fan base. We all know that is not true. So basically what I'm getting at is, and I dont mean to bash anything you intend to implement, I merely wish to help Halo as a whole and help you regain the loyalty of all the diehard fans lost after Halo reach. So first and foremost... Ranking and Uniformity- as far as the ranking aspect goes, I know you have not completely disclosed how your ranking system will be set up (yet), but you have given us an idea.. And the focus of ranking should be SKILL not how much you play the game like we all saw in reach. I'm not necessarily saying bring back the 1-50 ranks (as much as I would absolutely love that), something along those lines should definitely make a return. Uniformity- I believe this deserves it's own section because of its importance (and because the wall of text above). I could fill out a petition of literally thousands that agree we do not want custom load outs or armor abilities. But if your mind it set on it, hey do it, but please make it a 'social only' option. Please bring back the old halo feeling by eliminating sprint, all other armor abilities, equipment, and start us all off with the same weapon (BR please) in ranked matches. Or in the very least give us that in a MLG playlist and let everyone else go crazy with all that new jazz.. No Bloom- I really hope this is a given by now, but please no reticle bloom. It does not belong in Halo. If anyone actually made it to this point, thank you for hearing me out. I probably missed a few things, but i think i got the bulk of it. Maybe my hopes of bringing back that Halo 2 feeling of out BRing someone are a bit too outlandish now a days, but a man can dream.. a man can dream...
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