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Everything posted by Baller

  1. The Halo series is over people. Sad to say, but the Halo is now finished, all those memories and fun times you had in halo 2 and halo 3 are now just to rmember, bungie left us, in hands of a down syndrome company. Just click on the link I posted. 343 is just all about the money, bungie actually cared about us, they understood how important MLG was, so they didn't change the game, they kept fun, with the best ranking system, than any other game. 343 just converted halo into CoD. Now all the halo pros, "50's", and now pist, because our competitive time is over. 343 ended halo. Thanks a lot! I wish I could come go back in time in 07-10 when halo was the ****. halo 3 changed me, I will take those memories to my grave. But hey, I will play halo 3 to the end. All the MLG pros are pist off, after reading that as well. Halo 4 will not take any skill, its gonna be for noobs, that couldn't get their 50's in h3. Well have fun losers! Why bungie? You knew this was going to happen. You left us. All those goals you guys achieve, for what? Now you heartboken everyone. Halo is COD now. Noobish game. 343 does not know what halo is, all they want is the money. I was a 50 in every playlist in h3. H3 was where the legends where made! Halo 3 made xbox, mlg. Hands down, halo3 is the best game ever created. Why can't halo 4 just be like halo 3? You know why? BECAUSE DONT GIVE OF F**K ABOUT US!!!! ITS ALL ABOUT THE MONEY. Thats B.S. They have no f**king idea what their doing. R.I.P Halo 3 Memories, I will never forget the fun times I had. Best times of my childhood, hands down. Once halo 3 is down, goodbye xbox. No point in playing garbage. So long friends. This is the end. :'(
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