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  1. fzdw11's post in Halo 4 is now number #5 on XBL Good Job 343 was marked as the answer   
    Actually, to be fair, the fact that Halo 4 is #5 on XBL is quite an impressive feat, considering how many "Tens of Thousands of Lost Gamers" are not playing the game.  :/  What people are failing to realize is for every gamer that decides he doesn't want to play Halo 4 and moves on to another game, somebody new is picking up the game.  In the eyes of the development team and the producers, what makes a game "good"?  The fact that it has a loyal fan base, or the fact that they made millions?  Is it a huge player population, or just the sales?
    These types of threads pop up all the time, everybody claiming the same thing, that they're speaking for the community.  While the complain threads far outweigh the praise threads, that is just the nature of people themselves.  People are more likely to go on the internet to complain than they are to go on and praise, simply because those who like the game are actually playing it instead of talking about it on the internet.
    I understand why people don't enjoy Halo 4.  It was a giant step away from what Halo has always been.  To be fair, with all of the hate that Reach received, people would have thought that 343 would take it to heart when developing Halo 4, but that obviously was not the case.  I personally enjoyed Reach, and I enjoy Halo 4.  Maybe not as much as I enjoyed Halo 3, but I enjoy it none the less.  Does this make me any less of a fan than somebody who thinks Halo 4 is crap?  No, it doesn't.  It just shows that everybody has a different opinion.
    I posed this question in another thread, but I don't believe I ever got a response directly too it.  What would show 343 what the community wants more, people complaining on the internet or people taking action?  Right now, all we are getting is people complaining on the internet.  The OP claims that people are still playing CoD.  Is that the way to get the developer of Halo to change it back into what it once was, or is that a misguided sign to them that a CoD type game is what the community wants?  If people really wanted to make a statement, it is better done not in an online forum, but within the games themselves.  If all of these people want a game that plays and feels more like Halo 3, then why not show the developer this by staging an entire weekend or an entire week or longer, where all of those who are unhappy with Halo 4 actually go and fill the servers of Halo 3?  Personally, a statement of that sorts is more likely to catch the eye of 343 than anything that is being ranted about in a forum.
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