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Victory Element

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Posts posted by Victory Element

  1. Adapt or die


    If halo just doesn't suit your tastes anymore, you are under no obligation to continue playing it. You're entitled to your opinions though, and I don't disagree with everything you say. But I've learned as time goes on, and sometimes if you can't beat them, you gotta join them

  2. AR is the easiest to use, after I've spent a decent amount of time experimenting with each automatic. I once used it as my secondary full time until I got weapon mastery for it


    But more recently, my preference has been the storm rifle. I decided to use it mainly because it's pretty rare to come across, and it lasts surprisingly long when used with the ammo perk. This weapon definitely takes time to realize its full potential, but when used right it will leave your enemy with devastating consequences. As most experienced halo players know, plasma weapons break shields like crazy. By knowing how to navigate the map right, you can draw opponents into more confined spaces and unleash a devastating volley of blue death on them. It's works best when fired in controlled bursts to maintain accuracy and prevent the overheat effect.


    The downside of it is the expected lack of range, but it also gets you a lot of assists. Teammates easily pick off the targets that you've already weakened, but this shouldn't matter if you're a team player

  3. Like p34nut said earlier, try to use a grenade to pop his shields. That will likely take away most or all of his shields, leaving 1 or 2 head shots for a quick kill. And if you will be using the resupply perk, go scavenge your opponent's nades before they respawn.


    Know the map, or try to adapt quickly. You want to have a good vantage point while not exposing yourself too much. And don't stick to a single spot for too long, because your opponent will always know where you are and they will eventually flank you. Try to nab any possible power weapons and do not let your enemy get to them as well

    • Like 1
  4. I liked reach's graphic elements that seemed more "rag tag" and scrappy because it really emphasizes humanity's technological gap from the covenant. It made the game seem realistic in my opinion. But considering that humans have evolved a great deal since chief was in cryo sleep, I think we will continue to see more futuristic, majestic themes.


    For landscapes, I think we've experienced enough forerunner architecture so far in the series. And most fans probably won't want to relive the "Cortana" mission from halo 3 in bowels of flood territory. I despise that mission..... But anyways, I think more urban environments are the way to go. The places in ODST were unique, as well as the mission "Exodus" from reach. I also really liked the first mission of halo 4 out in space trying to gain control of the UNSC ship. The tight corridors and enclosed environment adds a lot of suspense. But just to keep things spaced out, I think a cool sandbox type battlefield would be Egypt (no pun intended ;)). Using vehicles to fight off enemies in a large, open space full of ancient Egyptian ruins sounds like a classic halo experience



    Varying weather conditions and time of day would also add a unique twist to the franchise

  5. I think I should play with you guys sometime, but I mean cooperatively ;). I've never been fond of challenging other players and I never have before, so I'd like to keep things that way.


    I have about a 1.69 KD so I can probably keep up with you guys if we ever play together. But if you really need a challenge, I have some powerful friends who may be up for it

  6. As others have said, they clearly got amped up. They're strong enough now that they are an option for personal ordinance. Most people I play against rarely use it, but the weapon can seem almost unfair when it's in the right hands.


    Don't get caught in the open if you know your opponents are using it. Stay close to corners or any cover that you use to get out its spray. Then draw them in to close range where it's harder to use, or pop in and out of cover so can't concentrate the fire in an explosive burst

  7. I had extremely similar questions



    but seriously, what happen to everyone after the explosion?? We know the scythe is alive along with Alan, Julia, Hatake, and Peter for sure. I'm sure Jordan is not dead because the baby will surely have to play into season 2. I will really miss Arctic Biosystems though. That place was one of the coolest tv settings ever


    And what about the final scene with Julia walking into the Ilaria meeting??? Was she working with them the whole time??! Im mind blown


    Also, did we ever learn why Hatake kept peoples' heads in those containers outside of the base? And why was Dr. Hvit do important??




    Let's hope we can find ourselves some fellow vectors Yoshi

  8. Welcome to Arctic Biosystems



    For those of you who aren't familiar with Helix, it is a new TV series presented to us by the Syfy channel. Helix just finished its first season and season 2 is expected in 2015. I've created this thread to hopefully introduce new viewers to show, as well as provide a place for current fans to discuss the show. I'll begin with a brief overview of the plot (with no spoilers) and conclude with my amateur critic review.




    The main events of Helix takes place in a remote laboratory known as Arctic Biosystems. When the laboratory reports a possible disease outbreak in its facility, a distress call is sent to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Dr. Alan Farragut leads a team of CDC researchers and a US Army Major into the center of the arctic circle to investigate the mysterious outbreak.


    Upon arrival the CDC team discovers this isolated facility to be teeming with scientific research and staffed by over 100 personnel. Head scientist of the base Dr. Hiroshi Hatake explains what he knows of the outbreak, and the team expects to develop a quick cure as they are trained to do. This disease turns out to be much more deadly than anyone could possibly imagine.


    Once a person is infected, the disease reprograms the brain of its victims and uses them to infect new hosts. Not to mention, the virus consists of an unknown DNA structure. The infected hosts are referred to as Vectors and prove to be a terrifying threat to lives of everyone in the facility. At first, it appears like a typical zombie apocalypse set up, but the plot proves to have far much more depth than vector conflict.


    Along with the vectors, numerous other issues show up along the way. Dr. Hatake constantly seems to be hiding crucial information regarding the origins of the virus. The CDC team is left to discover the secrets of Arctic Biosystems for themselves.


    *that is all I can reveal about the plot without spoilers* ;)




    My Amateur Review


    I personally got hooked on the show after seeing the first 2 episodes. I'm normally not one to follow any TV shows on a regular basis, but this is one of the few exceptions. I'm going to split up my review into the following paragraphs: setting and production quality, acting, and plot value


    Possibly the most impressive feature of Helix is its captivating setting. The idea of having this mysterious, remote laboratory in the middle of the arctic allows for a lot of creativity. The outside world remains nearly oblivious to the events taking place in Arctic Biosystems and the characters are left to make the most of what they are given. The outside of the facility is shown using CGI, but the interior of it is marvelous. Labs are filled with complex equipment and a very clean, organized environment is presented. The technology of the facility seems that it would fit into the near future, unless it already exists. But there is a much darker side to the base as well. Without going into further detail, I will just say that some parts of the base are pleasantly terrifying


    As far as acting goes, I'd say it was generally above average. I don't know the real names of the actors, but some in particular did a very good job. The actor who plays Dr. Hatake steals almost every scene he is in. He plays the perfect part of the shady scientist that knows more than he's willing to share. His head of security, Daniel Aerov, also does a good job of his no nonsense, obedient role. Those are just a few to name, but I won't spend too much time in detail. I will admit though, that some of less important characters could have fulfilled their roles with better acting. Some minor characters even become annoying to see, but I believe that they were designed have the audience dislike them. I am not much of an acting critic, so I will leave you all to decide for yourselves


    Now this plot, I could talk all day about it but I must refrain from spoiling any parts of the story. As I mentioned in my summary, the beginning of the show may like another zombie apocalypse clichè, but it goes much further. There are so many different elements and separate conflicts to consider when watching the show. The characters need to find a cure for this virus with no help from the outside world, trapped in a remote lab with dangerous vectors, and so much more. Viewers will get glimpses of an odd love triangle and connections between characters that are completely unexpected. After every episode, I was left with so many questions to ponder over. There are countless "wtf???!!!" moments throughout the series that will leave your head spinning in confusion. The plot is complex yet is presented so all of its audience should be able to comprehend it. Character development is strong and it is easy to become attached to some of these characters



    Now that is the end of my long rant. I just had to put some of my thoughts about the show into words and hopefully others can do the same. But I do have some quick cautions before I recommend seeing the show: 1) there are a few brief, messy scenes with blood, but they are generally short 2) one instance of characters involved in a sexual relationship, partial nudity shown but all parts are covered 3) the love triangle involves an affair, but it not necessarily essential to the plot. Keep in mind, these are minor warnings and the rest of the show outweighs those bits of bad stuff for me


    And please no spoilers!!!


    • Like 2
  9. Suppose this has something to do with the flood? Throughout the whole human/covenant war, the flood always appeared as the third party while the main conflict is focused on the humans and the covenant. Even after the events of halo 3, we all know that they are still out there.


    Since there doesn't seem to be a direct infection of either of the traitors, maybe the flood is using hostages to motivate them? Since Scruggs killed his entire team, we can assume that the hostages aren't related to the UNSC, but it seems unlikely that any other people would be anywhere near the flood.


    Well, my first idea doesn't have much to support it, but it is always a possibility. Which leads me to my second theory. There could be an organization which has negotiated with the flood, or found itself under persuasion from a gravemind. Graveminds are highly intelligent and it is possible that these humans agree with the motives of "unification" that the flood has.


    But still, it seems extremely odd that an active Spartan is involved with these activities. These were just some of my first thoughts though. I can probably come up with some more concrete theories once I have some more time

  10. You can't recreate those moments from skyping. Some of my favorite gaming moments are from playing Super Smash Bros Melee at my friends house every saturday. 

    Not to mention its healthy to leave your house every once in awhile.


    You are correct sir. Those moments definitely cannot be made over Skype, but for some, they consider the Xbox to be their social life. That's what is becoming unhealthy about the whole situation, but I think most have a enough sense to get out once in a while

  11. Recently i was speaking to a friend of mine about the next gen consoles that have come out, and he shared some thoughts with me that i found very intriguing. I can say that he put a new perspective into my head when it comes to gaming consoles, and i thought this would be the proper place to share some of these ideas. 


    As game consoles have evolved throughout the years, they become filled with more and more features and capabilities. there are the simple factors that you would expect to improve, such as graphic quality, loading speeds, and more complex games. But along with the simple gaming elements, new things such as motion controlled gaming, Netflix, Youtube, internet explorer, Skype, and many other applications have made their way into our consoles. 


    To most, these new additions make the game console much more appealing. It gives them access to all sorts of media in one convenient location. Motion controlled games help encourage active habits and let players interact with their games more. The kinect feature on xbox also allows you to navigate between the features with simple hand gestures or voice commands. In short, you can do everything in the comfort of your own living room 


    That's the positive perspective of the situation....


    If you think about it differently, its a reason for you to never have to leave your living room, or even your couch. Everything is provided for you in one location, so there is no need to go grab your laptop or cell phone from a different room. No reason to go over to your friend's house because you can just Skype him from your couch. no reason to find the lost remote because you can just use your voice. And with motion controlled gaming, there's no need to go outside in the fresh air and play sports. You can just play sports in your living room and stay active there.......


    The consoles are doing everything for us. They take a sense of responsibility and action out of our lives if we choose to take advantage of these features. The console does it all, so why would you need anything else? 


    What happened to just gaming? We buy these consoles for the main purpose of playing games on them. Now that all of these features are added on, the prices begin to shoot up higher and higher. I feel like most people don't even use half of the features that are included with modern consoles. I just need a console to play my games on, not to act as a personal trainer or my computer. So I'm forced to pay an extremely large amount of money for a console with numerous features that i will not use regularly. We need simplicity back if you ask me



    Ok, I'm done. I don't intend to offend anyone with the comments that I made above. I was just hoping to share a new perspective on modern gaming consoles. If you disagree at any point, i have no problem with anyone sharing their opinion too. I'm open to new ideas, and hopefully i was able to share a few good ones too. 


    • Like 4
  12. I think that firefight needs to make its return, but with new dynamics and goals for the gameplay. Back in reach, the firefight loadouts became unrealistic because they were stacked with power weapons, and this made the game type extremely easy when playing with up to 4 players. The firefight playlist soon became about achieving high scores and racking up big multikills/killstreaks. In my opinion, I would enjoy firefight much more as a survival based game type. Such as having the odds against yourself and using more practical loadouts. Teamwork would become much more important because enemies would be more aggressive and tougher to take down.


    I would also enjoy having "fortifications" and ordinance as part of firefight gameplay. Similar to the gears of war horde mode, or even halo 4's dominion, players would able to build barriers and defense artillery as they earn points. And also using the points, players would be able to call in appropriate ordinance weapons for more support


    As for campaign, I belive it should have a more diverse set of objectives. In halo 4, the run here-press button tasks became somewhat repetitive . I also felt that the storyline plays out better when humanity is the underdog. In halo 4, the covenant was gone, humans had the menacing infinity, and much more military strength. I kinda miss the old rag tag, last stand feeling when battling the might of the covenant

    • Like 4
  13. Hello all, Victory here.


    I want to apologize to the members of our great community for just kind of disappearing. I haven't logged onto the forums here in almost a month or two, but I never intended to leave the community. A good friend of mine from the community recently talked to me on Xbox and I realized that I had been gone for a long time, and its about time I come back. Other than suffering a concussion from football, I never really had a reason for being away for such a long time.


    I'm still very busy with schoolwork and such, but I've realized how much I've missed the forums. I hope to show my face here more often, and earn back my reputation among the members. I'm sure I'll meet a handful of new members, and run into some old friends while I'm here. It feels good to be back, and hopefully I'll be abłe to make a few decent posts during my Christmas break

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  14. The title says it all. I haven't really established whose going to have my back against the swarms of the hive or the fallen or the cabal yet. I'm sure i'm not the only one looking for a fireteam, so it would be great to fight alongside fellow members of the community. I am a team player for the most part, but there is some criteria that will have to be met to form a fireteam.


    1) At this point, i'm about 80% sure I will be playing destiny on the xbox 360. The other 20% would be in the case that I get an xbox one for Christmas. So to be in a fireteam, i'm sure we'll have to be on the same console


    2) I want to have good strategic chemistry in the fireteam. To help balance out the strengths of the team, I would like to know what class each player would like to play as and discuss styles of play. I don't have any specific requirements for class and play style, but if you're interested in playing together, we can work out our chemistry at some point. We could discuss our strengths and weaknesses, and hopefully adapt to become successful


    3) I don't want to be stuck playing by myself most of the time, so as last priority, I was hoping to find some players who would be on destiny around the same times I am. I normally can only play on weekends because of my schedule, so as long as you're available most weekends, that's prefect. Afternoons are normally the best time of day for me, but i'm in the central time zone, so keep in mind that that is normally the evening if you're in Europe


    Well, that's about it. If anyone is interested, just leave information below such as your console, player class, play style and times that are convenient for you to play.


    *This thread doesn't just have to be for my own fireteam. Anyone can use this to form their own groups with others, but please just use this to share the general information. If you are interested in negotiating with other members, a group PM would be best for that*

    • Like 3

    Victory, according to the Trilogy, Prometheans were manufactured in a "factory". The Composer ostensibly picked up a large number of human essences after the New Phoenix incident, and the UrDidact is only assumed dead. I think we'll see them again.


    That seems logical, but what other locations would serve as homes to the prometheans? I can understand them originally being on requiem to make sure the Didact isn't released from his cryptum, but where else would they be needed?


    I'm actually recovering from a concussion so i'm having trouble thinking straight. I would normally have figured this stuff out by now, but i'm a little slow. I would really appreciate if you could explain some answers and reasoning please :)

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