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Posts posted by SpelWerdzRit

  1. Hello all,


    Today I decied too play some games of Halo 2 on my PC because I wanted to get some achievements with my Xbox Live account because I used to use a different acoount for my PC to my Xbox. (I dont know why).


    Anyway, As soon as I hit quick match in the LIVE menu it said that the server timer timed out. Then I went to browse games and waited a while after about 5mins of waiting I gave up, checked my connection, tried again, failed, restarted, failed and now im writing this post.


    I dont know has anything to do with 343i taking over or something else, if you know anything or just what to add to this topic write into the thing below.



  2. To Total Mayh3m


    FoV stands for field of vision. It is the amount of degree's that you can see a one time. If you understand angles you should know that 180 degrees is a straight line, from there you should be able to figure out the rest.

  3. OK so this is my first topic please give me feedback.


    Alright so Iam a PC/Xbox 360 gamer so FoV is a big deal to me for an example Halo 3's FoV was a bit small for me and I did not like having to look left, right, left, right. :thumbdown: I did not really like to much. However Halo Reachs's FoV was quite good at 78 at it is a comfortable amount. :thumbsup:


    I would like to know what you think, so write your thoughts in the, um thing below.



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