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mega ultra geor

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Posts posted by mega ultra geor

  1. That is the name of my map and I am offline and here is my question: If I get online will it be erased?? Like the armor??

    Because when you buy a helment or visor it will be erased and you will have you Cr back (online)

  2. Do you think armor of halo 3 will be returning?

    I would like to use the Hayabusa again.


    Will master cheif become a spartan 4 ??

    See halo 3 mf compared to the halo mf 4 it look exactly like the new S-4

  3. 343 revealed that there will be loadouts. In my opinion this will change the way halo 4 is played. IN A BIG WAY. Imagine that your opponent has a better sniper than yours that will be just bad the game will not hace balance , well that's what I think folks. What do you think?

  4. Why can't I earn cr for playing offline?

    I was online and moved my x box to my room and when I started to play I only earn some 80 cr and then the game told me that I can't get credits : Max credits without connection

    Why ???

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