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Posts posted by -AD-Ewok

  1. It's quite awesome.

    Also as far as I know they tried to work out doing a Halo movie and instead gave the director $ to do his own thing and District 9 was born. I haven't checked up any news since then so someone correct me, cause I'd like to know if theres still a possibility of a legit Halo movie.

  2. As would I, as would I... I just don't think they would. It's been almost 5 years since it's console release. Most people seem to think it won't happen either. Though, again, all we can is hope. I would treasure it forever too and never let it out of my computer <3

  3. I'm pretty well rounded for games.

    My core games are HaloCEPC, Starcraft, TeamFortress 2, Killing Floor, Left4Dead 1&2, Diablo II (and 3 when it's out), Minecraft, WoW, and Guildwars.

    Also have Borderlands but never played it. I'm open to all free games (everything is worth a try at least once) and even all paid games if their are people actively playing it in the group.

    Thanks for the extra set of eyes.

  4. I <3 chiming into Halo for PC threads.

    I have never have more fun gaming than I did playing Halo CE PC. I have never found a better clan community than the ones that existed back in the day with Halo PC.

    Our only hope that isn't blind at this point is here http://www.computerandvideogames.com/310296/halo-ce-anniversary-dev-pc-version-wouldnt-be-a-surprise/.

    It will be a glorious and happy day for all that is PC gaming if/when Halo returns to PC.

  5. Thanks for the input TwinReaper. Would you agree on his comment on how active it is though? I am on Windows 7 so no issues there. I know it's cheap but I pay for my school out of pocket and have little to spare. Any games I get usually come from selling off rpg's I've beaten :P


    @s3c Halo CE and Halo 2 are on PC. I can't speak for Halo 2 (obviously) but Halo CE for PC is great fun and worth a buy though it's far past its prime now. It was 20$ when I got it in 07 so I would expect it to be cheaper than that now.

  6. I'm browsing around for a new gaming clan and I'm kinda picky :P Preferrably PC based, as I don't game much on XBL. Sadly the current clan I am in has been dying out from inactivity so I'm seriously considering hopping to somewhere else even though I have a great affection for the one I'm in, they just arent around anymore and dont seem to care.


    I'm looking for something that meets close to these criteria


    -Friendly respectful members

    -Has Forums

    -Has voice chat

    -Has some history/ been around for a bit

    -No overly strict rules ( I need to have the ability to let a swear or 5 slip)

    -Solid, serious leadership

    -Mature, as in not too many younger kids- preferrably 15+


    Lastly I prefer somewhere that has standards in their recruitment so that it's quality above quantity members. I dont care how long this recruitment might be if the group is worth it, I will wait. For example, the current clan I am in which I have been around since 2007 I wasnt picked up as a member until 4 months after I applied so they could make sure I was a good fit.


    I'm not expecting any hits on this any time soon but If you think the clan you're in or you know of one that is a good fit to what I described please let me know by either a post or a pm. I play many games so check with me if you know of a clan that's based around a specific game too.

  7. As long as it's true to the essence of Halo I'm all for it.

    Offtopic- Entering college doesn't mean you have to end your gaming career, you just have to work out a schedule that doesn't interfere with your gaming :twam: Sell used games on eBay. Buy ONLY used games on eBay. I have literally 105$ to spare after tuition (paid out of pocket) and still need it for gas money, and even I can still afford to be a gamer. Also, love your sig. I scream that everytime I bring home icecream from the store.

  8. I voted maybe. It's best to see where 5 and 6 leave off. If it wraps it up nicely, then they shouldn't beat it until it's a joke. In that case they should leave it be to have its special place in Games History. It's like Disney trying to force out a ToyStory 4+ to milk more $ when ToyStory 3 wrapped up everything so nicely to the series.. Lol. Sorry for the lame comparing. Also maybe because it'd be another small chance to get another Halo for PC. If THAT happened I'd be so happy I'd run dancing naked in the street.

    • Like 1
  9. Don't think they would go over to Sony either. But it's rediculous we even have to do petitions like these to get MICROSOFT to support PC GAMING again. I too, would like to see matchmaking, but not if it means no browsing server lists. That's a big appeal to Halo PC. However, I'd take what I can get.

    I have been waiting since Halo 2 was (disappointedly) slated for a Vista release. I put a few hours every few weeks toward researching any news of Halo for PC and there has been shadows of doubt and even more glimmers of hope. Nerdy, and sad, I know. But I am a gamer through and through and it's what I am trying to make a career out of too. I by far have my fondest memories with Halo CE PC. The rest of my thoughts on the subject are best summed up on this thread here http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/5627-halo-4-and-the-pc/


    Good for you for trying to rally some support to the Halo PC cause, my friend. I am new here but I can only hope that 343i team members browse comments like ours and consider them if only for a moment. Maybe we need to find a way to harass then a bit about it emails, letters, phonecalls, haha.

    • Like 1
  10. It was threads like these that caused me to sign up for these forums. So I can have a voice of support towards Halo PC and all together keep an eye out for new about any possible Halo PC versions.

    People who reply to topic like these not only on these forums going "No it will take away from the 360's dev" or "No I don't want to hear the PC fanboys raving about how much better they are" really grind on my nerves at how selfish it is. Use your head. We have never gotten a PC version of Halo at the same time as the console and it wouldn't start now. As much as I want another Halo on PC right NAO, it just wouldn't be a good business move on M$'s end. They SHOULD milk the console market and sucker people in there first, and then throw us a Halo bone. They get more that way.

    You don't want PC fanboys to rave about Halo for PC being better? Well, ignore it. Trust me I've been ignoring xbox diehards bragging that they even get Halo for 5 years now. These comments weren't meant to troll any specific people here, I have just read comments like those WAY too many times while trying research Halo PC possibilities in numurous places.


    Of course I vote Yes on Halo 4 PC. I'd take ANY new Halo on PC at this point. The Halo CE PC community is drowning and all but dead and MS has turned its backs on us. Everyone I talk to from the old clan community is holding hope onto the comment that was made by Matthew Karch in regards to him not being suprised to see a Halo CE Anniversary for PC down the road. "Down the road" is what we're klinging to and even that implies waiting a long time (another 5 years)? So many Halo PC gaming clans have died out while waiting and those that were left (like the one I'm in since 07) have turned direction to being a general gaming clan while waiting. There IS a market there and MS is just not cashing out on it. The Halo PC fans alone are just a bunch of hungry dogs sitting there waiting with their mouths open wanting to be fed. Hell, at this point I'd be willing to take my 15$ a month WoW money and pay that to play another Halo PC online a month in a heartbeat.

    Hackers are everywhere, Pirates are everywhere. It doesn't matter in regards to what entertainment, they just are. If the quality of game is there people will buy. I'm guilty of being a pirate but I have never and will never pirate a Halo game because it's just so ripe it deserves my money. I never once considered pirating Halo and I even played the Demo version with only BG and Silent Cartographer off and on for 3 years as a kid before getting the full version, pirating was never there, just the thought of "I need to get this game!".

    Take any Halo console game and pit it against any pc version of the same game, pc will usually win for these reasons- Having dedicated servers builds a community (clans and more) and keeps people coming back to play. Modding. Crosshair control.


    Before anyone uses the insult of just SDHU and go get an XBox 360, I have one, and a copy of Reach, neither of which I had to pay for because I received it in a promotion. I enjoyed the Reach campaign a lot. A few days ago I caved and took up the 2$ for 2 months of Live play offer to try out Halo Reach multiplayer hoping it would be similar to my Halo CE PC experiences. The only positive was that people assumed I was a 12 year old prebuscent boy so I didn't get harassed for being a girl... Lol. Let me just say I was expecting a LOT more. I was done with it within an hour and jumped five feet to the right into my computer chair and booted up Halo CE PC to game with one of the last remaining active clans there. I'm going to do the campaign one more time and then throw that sucker on eBay.

    • Like 3
  11. Hey,

    though theres threads asking if anyone still plays, I'm wondering if someone can give me a rough number on how many people are usually playing Halo 2 for PC. I only got Halo CE for PC months before H2 came out on PC so I've never really had an interest in H2PC because they took out race type, required vista, and I was still having fun on CEPC. It looks like it's only 15$ brand new now and I want an active Halo environment without shelling out the $ for a live membership to play Reach multiplayer ( I really can't afford a monthly fee with my tuition). CePC is pretty much dead at 300-600 players online unfortunately. Is there a decent clan scene with Halo 2 PC?


    I'll be greatful for any status updates with this game.

  12. I play both Halo PC and Halo 2 Vista. in fact i.run a dedicated 343 Community server for us.

    Is the server for Halo CE or Halo 2? If CE I'd love to check it out. But either way I guess I'll pop in if I cave and get Halo 2 on pc.

  13. What this is called in the art world is the Cezanne method in which you start out with the most fundamental basic shapes, and begin to refine it from there. It's some solid advice and as an art student I can vouch that most (well versed) professors will refer you to utilizing this method from square one. Even if you are doing something abstract they recommend you start out like this and warp it from there.

    • Like 1
  14. I still play Halo Combat Evolved for PC often. It's timeless to me even when I have all the other major FPS games for PC. Unfortunately activity is at an all time low for the game over 10 years old. Theres only about 400 people playing at any given time from what I see. I never hopped on board with Halo 2 for pc because the Vista factor and even now I don't play it because they left out the race game type for 2 and I'm a racer. I have been tempted to purchase it lately though and see if it is at all more active. I own Halo's for my xBox but never play them because quite simply even with updated graphics and gameplay, I prefer PC a heck of a lot more.

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