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Posts posted by ToastyKactus

  1. I think there's only 2-3 needle rifles so that's about half the elites, being based off of how many don't quit and stay in the game which is 6. All Spartans start off with magnums so it sounds fair to me. If you're having trouble winning on that part you could stop playing with randoms because some suck and some don't, and the majority of skilled players in my opinion seem to gravitate around the anniversary playlists.

  2. Yes, I think the ancient humans (aka the ones that had a war with the forunners) found the Flood in a floating capsule in space, I'm not sure though that's what I heard on b.net.

  3. I see where youre coming from, but if you played with other spartans as in AI allies it would be kinda ugly :/ i mean just look at Kat from noble team. You cant really have an ally in campaign thats uber impressive AI wise,dont get me wrong it would be cool on maybe a small part of a mission. i would really like to see more awesome cinematics with spartans just like in Halo Wars

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  4. Only statement I disagree with is no flood. The Flood makes halo, without the flood there probably wouldn't be any halos at all. I hope 343i actually gives us more of a back story of the Flood existence.

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