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Posts posted by EL CHAMACO4

  1. a bigger campaign then reach, armour customization, flood firefight, bad ass forge, covanent friendlies, other monitors, bad ass flood forms, and out by Jan,1,2012 **** thats a holiday aint it?



    My other Theories:


    Human-Covenant/Elite Alliance:



    Human Vs PreHistoric Human:





    If you listen closely to 343 Guilty Spark in Halo CE he says things that made it sound like he thought that chief was the one who lighted the first halo ring back when the forerunners were around all those years ago. For example he says, "why would you hesitate to do now what you have already done before?" ( or something along those lines) Also, he makes regards to chiefs poor choice of armor and calls it a "class 2" and recommends he wears a "class 12" Now why would the monitor say these things unless he knew that chief was around back then and should have the armor necessary. ALSO the monitor said something about the chief asking him a question all those years ago.Now obviously, we all thought that that cannot be true because chief is here now. But what if at the end of halo 3 when forward unto dawn broke apart and chief was not only sent through space, but also sent back in time. Now before you regard this as a stupid and outlandish idea, think about it. It would explain why guilty spark said that, and it would bring us all new enemies, weapons, and vehicles and enviorments. Also, it would be the perfect ending for master chief, he lights the first ring to stop the flood and also kill himself, yet save himself and everyone else from the future.


    Here's a link to a video at comic con 2010 where the interviewer is asking questions to Frank O' Connor: (Keep watching until the part where he talks about the monitor and what Frankie says about it. This only supports my theory)


    The part im talking about begins around 3:18


    (I think I fixed the link if not, please use the link that Raskulz posted below in the comments. I will fix it when I get home to an actual computer)




    Notice how giddy and a lil weird Frankie gets when he says that?

    it greatly helps my idea and gets me giddy and excited so badly!!


    Update: ADDED August 20th, 10pm:


    343 Has repeatedly said that in Halo CEA there will be terminals that will help reveal things about Halo 4's story. Now these terminals will be explained by the Monitor. ====> http://attackofthefa...s-halo-4-clues/


    Now if the monitor in Halo CE will explain the story of Halo 4 how is that possible if Halo 4 (supposedly) is way in the future from Halo CE? It's not, that's why the only way the monitor could explain the Events in Halo 4 is if it has already happened. That furthermore improves my theory of time travel.


    Update: ADDED August 22nd, 10:30pm:


    Now everyone claims that when the monitor calls Chief "Reclaimer" that he means humans are the reclaimers to the forrunner's mantel. However, I believe that he calls chief a "Reclaimer" because chief lit of the first halo rings, and he's back to light or ""Reclaim"" them again.


    Think about it, have you ever heard the monitor call anyone else besides chief a "Reclaimer"? No because chief is the only one Actually ""Reclaiming anything""


    Update: ADDED September 2nd, 7:30pm:


    This is just something I thought of but,

    In the legendary ending if Halo 3, Cortana says, " You did it. Truth, and the covenant, the flood, it's finished." Along with Chief ( kinda relieving ) saying, "It's finished."


    Now this sounds like they're saying that it's basically all over, the galaxy is at peace. Also keep in mind that there actually is really nothing threating left in the (present) galaxy. Now Cortana couldn't possibly need Chief ( in Halo 4) if the (present time) galaxy is at peace. Unless the galaxy they're in NOW is in the past and is NOT at peace.


    Again, keep in mind that Corana says that the Flood is finished. Now Halo 4 is obviously going to contain the flood. Because well first of all, it just has too. And second, the entire series is literally BECAUSE of the flood. Without the flood there would be no Halo ring, therefore no "Halo 1-3" or in this case... a ""Halo 4""


    Just another idea I thought I'd put in there....


    Update: ADDED September 3rd, 1:00pm:


    At the end of the concept art video for Halo 4, these weird pictures were quickly flashed. I have strong belief that these are precursors because precursors are known to look like anthropoids, and the pictures sorta looked like anthropoids as well. And since its in the concept art, that probably means its in the game. Now, we know that precursors are all long gone. ( Like it is a fact that they are all dead). So if they are in the game, how would that be possible unless the game is in the past??



    Update: ADDED September 7th, 10:30pm:


    Also addressing the concept art video: in the video, there was clearly a pelican flying around. Now, I admit this is a major setback on my theory however, there are a few possibilities that could explain this:


    (Probably best answer)

    1. At the end of Halo Wars, Serena says "somethings happened" now if the spirit of fire also went back in time due to a faulty slipspace rupture, this could explain the presence of marines and pelicans.



    (This ones stretching it a bit)

    2. We all know that Precursors were extremely advanced in science and technology. So what if they (or possibly forerunners) mastered time travel and would go into the future and take marines and other unsc equipment in order to study them? ( again, I know I'm stretching it a little)



    The video, also seemed to show, what looks like new covenant craft. Now this could easily be forerunner or precursor, but who knows?


    This concept art video, really did a number on my theory, so anyone with any ideas to explain UNSC or possibly COVENANT presence in the video, PLEASE POST THEM!!



    Update: ADDED September 7th 11:00pm


    The concept art clearly shows UNSC and maybe even COVENANT on this unknown planet. Now this would surely ruin my theory, however, maybe the UNSC and the COVENANT are allies now (after the war) and are going to rescue chief. And what if something happens and chief just goes back in time later in the game or even Halo 5?




    What do you think of my theory?

    What other theories do you have?

    i just saw halo legends once and i saw that the forerunners fired the rings to stop the flood and had sentinals to put the dna of all creatures so that they could put the life form on there rightful planet. so this is my theory that the sentinals messed up and accidentily put a forerunner dna clone embyo thing and put it on earth and the dna eventually got to master cheif and the monitor recognized his dna and thats why he says all that stuff just my idea i dont know if anyone agrees with me though.

  3. ValentineF and I were having a discussion in a forum one day and he had what I though was a great Infection idea that got lost in countless new threads. This is a new twist on the original thread since he appears to be offline for quite some time. Here it is.


    The original idea was to have a "Flood Infection". It fits into the actual infection concept of previous Halo campaigns and has more of a zombie feel to it. The Spartan would be the uninfected and the Flood the obvious infected. The Flood players at the start would have a randomly selected body type selected by the system and move to infect the Spartans. As they become infected they would themselves receive a randomly selected infected type and so on. The infected types would be limited to keep lag down. To prevent camping the entire map would swarm with parasites, the small spider like creatures, that would leave a moving player alone and attack when a player does not move or stays in a very confined area for more than say...5 seconds. The player could fight them off or run away eluding the "lock" of the parasite if he created a big enough gap between he and them. This would force movement and bring a new dynamic to the game type. There would also be maps designed specifically for infection that may even have changing environments ie. passageways, openings and ladder and ramps would randomly move making popular fighting areas move across the map. Finally, give forge the full range necessary to create new maps to be made available to the community.


    Please add ideas or criticize as you see fit. If you really like someones idea, quote it and I will update it into the thread if it is popular.

    have a flood horde like in gears of war 3 an idea looked cool
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