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    x SDIVI x

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  1. thanks, hopefully i can get the hang of this soon like b-net
  2. Hey people of 343i forums, I'm a new member refered to by a few of my xbl friends. My name is x SDIVI x, i know really lame xbl/user name i made a few years ago. Just wanted to say hi readers! You guys can just hit me up on the xbl sometime to play some reach, my gamertag is my user name haha, thanks!
  3. These ideas are purely opinions and suggestions for the reach transformation. 343 although will probably overlook these ideas, I thought they should be displayed for the community anyways. I am allowing for other members to put their input to these ideas as I will update the list for the communities’ sake. Remember to please send me a message to add ideas to the forum. Reach although is a great game, there are some faults. I have displayed some ideas for 343 to look at during the title update occurring, most of the ideas are community based and not of my own thinking. Everything that has stopped it from being a better game than it currently is now is on the list, take a look and discuss! What 343 should do/ could do/or even think about: 1. New community maps- Reach matchmaking has become very bland due to lack of game types and maps. I’m not always in the mood to play slayer on Eden minor, please update and add more maps to every playlist, which brings me to my next point. 2. New Playlists and game types- The matchmaking has caused some very limited game types which have critical errors and faults in them. While bungie seemed to overlook creative ideas like community invasion and certain objective game types as a whole (which in my case would have been fun) they added squad slayer, with almost no change besides 5-5 instead of 4-4. Although I’m guessing 343 have already took note of what the community wants, they should not overlook the idea of a new playlist with a fun spin. 3. Update the bland playlists- This includes the infamous living dead playlist, we want more maps and game types. As much fun as infection on sword base is, playing it for half of the games in a matchmaking playlist can be very boring. This is also a problem for the snipers playlist and doubles playlist. These bland playlists are the reason for me to only play custom games recently. 4. Armor Abilities Update- As some people believed they should be removed entirely, i believe that the reach experience is because of these abilities. Instead of removing certain ones, just add to them or nurf them. (Exception of maybe armor lock) Active camo isn’t the same when the random red dots on your radar ruin your position, I suggest instead to recharge at a much slower rate, while keeping the enemy radar clean. Allow the interruption of you radar but not the enemy. As for hologram, incorporate 2 holograms instead of one. As stupid as this sounds, people fall for two different holograms rather than one. Another idea to this is to make the hologram more lively, it only takes one bullet for the enemy to realize it’s just a hologram, so find a way to change it. But please for my sake keep evade as an AA. 5. A firefight makeover- Why was ODST's firefight more successful than reach's? Well ODST felt realistic, had great level timing, enemies that were much cooler to fight (drones and shielded brutes) and spawning wasn't a problem. Reach although had some firefight ups (customization) ODST firefight was the bomb. (This being my opinion of course) ODST had much better maps, provided a challenge, players felt outnumbered and felt like you were agenst the odds in the fight. Vehicles were usable and had a better feel in the battlefield, and you could not kill enemies who just spawned, instead of reach where the enemy magically spawned on the ground. Although probably unlikely to be updated in reach, the anniversary should make these perks of ODST return. 6. Classic Maps need their classic names- A small note on the team classic playlist. If they're remakes, state the original name in the new maps name. I don't know how to say this any better, but this frustrates many players including me. 7. Weapons- I already know that the pistol will be updated in 343's title update thingy (sorry not great with literal terms) but please some weapons have their perks and shouldn't be changed. If there is a possible switch of guns, keep the original gun for our custom games and such. I wouldn't mind if the focus rifle was replaced for the beam rifle (which would be awesome!) but keep the focus rifle for our custom games and such. To summarize what I’m saying, add weapons instead of replacing them. 8. Listen to the community- The one way you can have a better online game is to listen to the people who play it, I think reach is amazing, and with the anniversary coming in less than a month people will be reunited with the loving game called Halo. The TU beta has been great and I know 343 have been working hard to keep Bungie's reputation. But remember, the reason bungie was great was their ears for the communities ideas. 9. Forge- Okay, forge is the one thing that has made me a fan of halo from day one. Keep improving on forge, allow new things to create in the future and don’t be so gray walls. Add new or existing objects for the players (tree's, colored options etc.) I’m guessing this won't happen for reach, but keep the ideas for halo 4. I should tie in that customizable firefight maps and a new forge world wouldn't hurt either (; .The players now want forge 3.0, give it now or wait and make a strong impact. 10. Quits and Boots- By the request of invasion players around the world, please fix the quitting/booting options. People need to be punished for leaving the game, credit wise. People don't mind waiting 15 minutes, then to quit the game again. As a strong invasion player, when the team members quit, you automatically are at a major disadvantage. Please punish the players for quitting, or allow players to join in progress for the team. Booting and betrayal is also at fault, just ask the community for their opinions on what should be done there 11. Bring elements of campaign into reach online- What I’m saying here is that reach has memorable moments in the campaign, like using the target designator for the first time, imagine if you could put this into a matchmaking server. How people would love using an orbital strike during an invasion battle to secure an area, or if they could go into space with a sabre and take out the enemies. Although very unlikely in reach, this idea should be considered for the future halo games. 12. End reach...with a bang- The belief of reach's departure aren't thought of yet, but the new ideas being brought of halo 4 and such has brought me to this topic. Bungie didn't end matchmaking for halo 2 in the greatest fashion that you should. We all know reach will fall, and it will, make it a happy time for the final hours of the online experience we love so much Hopefully i will add more of the community ideas to this list, enjoy it...x SDIVI x
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