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Substandard IQ

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Posts posted by Substandard IQ

  1. What an angry person, especially since u know very little about the concept.

    Rest assured modding via jtags and mod chips is quite alive and well over XBL. There is little that can be done aince banning is done via console ID....and modded boxes can have replacemwnt ID's written to them.

    Twin is telling you exactly what i told you, its their goal in life to remain undetected, its not as simple as most people think

  2. I Want to know what Microsoft and 343 Industries are going to do about the Soft Mod Cheating That Has Run Ramped on XBL, Especially with Anniversary Classic Team Slayer, Lately Its Been Getting Worse and Worse, at first i thought these

    players were just really really good! Getting 3 shot Kills from anywhere on the map as fast as they can pull the trigger, I Thought WOW! These guys are insane and wanted to see how fast i could Kill another player with the Pistol from even closer Range, I loaded Up a Custom Game, Now Lets Remember, There is no lag on a local custom game! None! I Proceeded to put a "Dummy" Second player in Hang-em High and Placed Him in the Centre of The Map making him an easy stand still target! To My Dismay, I Couldn’t Kill The "Dummy" Let alone with 3 shot Rapid Fire But Emptied an ENTIRE clip into the non-moving target as fast as I could and still could not hit my target with my reticule on his head due to bloom! I Slowed down my shots and BINGO, I’m getting my 3 Shot Kills.

    I figured there’s no way anyone is That Good Due to the Bloom Feature.

    After Researching and reviewing many of these games in Forge after play, I Realized That Their Reticules were still Blooming But Without The Bullet Spread, I’ve already Seen Vids with the "Aim Bot" mod that gets headshots when the enemy is in your view, he doesn’t have to be in your sight, just in your view and the bullet fires sideways and nails The Enemy Right in The Head! This mod or a derivative of This MOD Is being exploited throughout XBL and Microsoft and 343 have done nothing to resolve this. Here's a clue Microsoft & 343 !!!!! Do not allow any type of modded xbox 360's to gain internet connection on xbl!!!! You can detect them! They run a different code than a non-modded Xbox so block their isp's and keep them off Xbl!

    You don’t do it cause you will lose xbl accounts and those players and there’s a lot of them !!!! all you care is that by blocking these boxes, it will cost you money! Do something, I’ve waited 10 years to get anything close to halo and i love the anniversary classic edition! Why are you letting these cheaters continue to cheat day in and day out! A 10 day ban isn’t good enough! We got smoked by zb modders last night with the rank of corporal!!! My friend got so upset he left our party to go play modern warfare! I’m about to do the same! Thanks for sticking it up our asses for the last 10 years! This stuffs been going on since halo 2 and yet it still continues to plague halo fans all over the world!!!! Do something. Permanently ban modded xboxes from connecting to xbl! They want to play custom games with mods? They can do it locally!



    I Hope halo 4 falls flat on its face and is a complete bomb! You wanna do better than Bungie? Start by getting rid of the stuff that you allow to not only completely ruin your game and destroy your fans experience playing it!


    Please do something.


    Alright do you realize how hard it is to detect modded xboxes? its not so simple as o ya theres a certain code right there!!!! There are ingenious people behind modding and hacking and the people that know how also know how to avoid BEING DETECTED! I mod xboxes all the time from better disk drives, harddrives, LED mods, i dont do anything malicious like on XBL but i have done offline gamplay mods. And i know for a fact its easy to avoid being detected even if you have hardware and software mods. God dang kid i dont wanna be mean but plz next time actually know what your talking about before you say things. Also if that mod exists i doubt its "rampant on XBL", modders and hackers are a rare breed. You are probably just really unlucky or really bad

  3. Im not sure if they denied it or not, all i remember Frank saying in an interview a while back is that they are really busy and beta would put alot of strain on them. From what ive heard is its neither confirmed nor denied. But there are alot of sources so there might be one i missed

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  4. I bet there will be new weapons. there are always new weapons in each Halo, but i bet it will just be a few because there are normally not an enormous amount of new weapons haha :). Like halo Reach only had a few and Halo 3 only had a few, so did Halo 2

  5. They will probably disable plasma pistols for game types like Heavies. I mean give 343 some credit its not like loadouts will be set in and locked for every game type. How would u do on swat with an AR or plasma weapon haha? Same for MLG probably, they wouldn't allow people to have any weapons but ranged weapons like BR and DMR because thats the way MLG rolls

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