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The Antichrist

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Grunt (1/19)



  1. The boot option was removed from living dead because of how sometimes when you kill a zombie it counts as a betrayal. I think there should % credits lost for people who quit games. Say I quit 5 games in a row after playing my first 95 games without quitting. I should lose about 10% of my credits from now on. If i quit 10 games after playing my first 90 without quitting I should lose 20% of my credits. This should be shown after every game when the game tallies up the game completion credits performance credits etc. So that they know what they're losing. Now some people will just turn over to afc'ing so you have to crack down on that. Make kdr's easily visible from the service record so people won't want to go in without playing. Make very harsh punishments for afc'ing like 1st time in a month 24h credit ban 2nd time 7day credit ban 3rd time 7 day halo reach ban. Thanks for reading.
  2. Had the same problem... Really aggravating
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