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Posts posted by IceMan

  1. I've seen some pretty good use from people with armour lock, i once had a rocket i fired sent right back at me, i called him every name under the sun, but i had tocommend his superb timing and use of it. I once used it at the top of the red lift on swordbase when i heard a guy come up, released it as he got to me and beat him down before he even touched the floor, it was a cheap kill in a way but it was perfectly valid, i wasn't using up the whole thing praying someone would run along and save me, so in other words, used in a strategic way it can be absolutely brilliant, but used by the wrong person and you could find yourself waiting till its used up before finishing the person off.

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  2. You can only do the "Candy From a Baby" one. "You Ate All The Chips" doesn't work in customs.


    Stockpile is in SWAT...but it is INSANELY rare. Like I said, I was in a full boosting party for like 5 hours str8 one time and didn't even find it. Do I enjoy boosting? No, but Bungie is forcing people to boost by making insane multiplayer achievements.


    We could have done more games just by quitting out when we didn't get it so we could start another one faster.....but NOOOOO you get banned for quitting out of games. FAIL!!


    What a disappointment this game is. Reach fails hardcore.


    Ah yeas, that one, i forgot which one it was, lol, i'll be noest, me and 3 mates full party boosted that one, it was a pain in the ass otherwise, any game developer should put more thought in their achievements, even some of the ones in halo 3 were annoying and i still need the firefight one from ODST (like im ever gonna be able to get that now)

  3. Wouldn't the sounds have to be installed directly to the sound processor on the Xbox for that to work, or do the sounds go through the audio on the display? Sounds like a good idea if they could get it to work.


    I'm not sure tbh, but i've asked about it on Sentuamessage, so fingers crossed they might reply about that one

  4. Ilike the idea of an RPG based around the halo universe, seems like your main character should be a spartan, but allies you pick up should consist of ODST, Elite's, Mercenary's, possibly a Spartan Mk III and the fights should be based on the FPS gameplay we're used to now, squad battle's but their captain can have 2 overshields or somethin so they're harder to take down and 1 life for everyone but depending on you and your equipment depends on what defence you have, eg personal overshields and health bars and so forth. I would definetly play it if it was done in this manner.

  5. If there was anything you could add to themarketplace, what would it be?


    I like the sound the new slimline makes when ejecting discs and stuff and theres all these limited edition ones with custom sounds, but wouldn't it be better if they could put those on the marketplace as well? I really wouldn't wanna shell out on a new console just for the look, theres a few to pick from but i'd rather mix and match the looks and sounds, like the gears 3 console with star wars sound effects! Do you think there would be a way Mirosoft could implement that?

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