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Jackal (2/19)



  1. I did properly explain my problem. I said he had been playing all day and he quit out ONCE but yet he still got the 20 minute ban. Now that I have enlightened you Hellen, now you can give me a "proper" response
  2. You are the biggest RETARD of them all. Are you cross eyed and can't read correctly?? Or are you like Hellen Keller and need some other retard to read it for you but you're too stupid to understand?? Read my post again until you fully understand and then come back and post. Talk to you soon Hellen
  3. You sir, also need to get better glasses or get some. I never said that he lagged out of matches. I SAID THE SERVER IS LAGGING!! YOU PEOPLE NEED TO READ THE POST FULLY BEFORE YOU POST YOUR IGNORAMUS OPINIONS. IN NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM DID THIS HELP ME OUT AT ALL!! GET OFF MY POST!!
  4. Listen, you are retarded. You need to either get better glasses or get glasses. If you read what I said you would know that the SERVER was lagging. NOT his internet connection. Next time you go to help someone out with their post, READ IT THREE TIMES BEFORE YOU POST ANYTHING
  5. My friends and I are playing Halo: Reach, the server is lagging a lot. Not only is it lagging but my friend is experiencing problems. He's been playing all day and quit out once recently but it told him he was banned for 20 minutes for quitting so much. Not only could he not play, but he couldn't join neither me nor my friend. Can anyone tell me why this is happening and how to stop it from happening??
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