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Posts posted by eliawesome

  1. 1.I dont want multiplayer maps that also is in the campaign.

    2. No dmrs!!

    3.More weapons on each multiplayer map.

    4.Longer campaign.

    5.More weapons.

    6.Better multiplayer maps.

    7.More vehicles.

    8.More story of Masterchief.

    9.Masterchief needa to say more words.

    10.Big fights like battlefields sometimes. This was actually gonna be in reach but it never happened for some reason.

    11.Masterchief needs to be able to jump higher than noble 6 in reach.

    12.Better forge with more forge maps with more objects(it would be good if the objects didnt have the same colour as in reach)

    13.Small maps with vehicles like in halo 3.

    14.Better campaign, more story.


    16.Something new and exciting for multiplayer.

    • Like 3
  2. There is a rumor :secret: that says that in windows 8 you will be able to play xbox360 games on your pc. Im not really sure about this because how can a normal pc dvd drive handle duallayer discs. Or will you be able to stream games from your xbox360 over to your pc or will you be able to download the games from some kind of online marketplace. Overall this is only a rumor but microsoft have annaounced that xboxlive is comming to windows 8 but it is only like a newer version of gamesforwindows that looks like xboxlive. And I think it is a little too late too make xbox360 games compattible in windows 8. It seems more like you will be able to play games for the next xbox on your pc with windows 8.


    What do you think?? :pizza:

  3. Used to be a huge fan of halo just loved the game I could be sitting for hours and play halo 2 for my pc but then something happened. Halo 3 was announced but only for the xbox360!!

    All of the latest halo games have only been released for the xbox360 but why?? I am a pcgamewr and I am never gonna switch over to a controller so WHY!! cant halo 4 be released for pc??

  4. I hate when developers that have made a great game says that in their next game they wanna attract a more cassual audience to play their games but what happens is that the developers is only making their next game much easier and not as fun as the first one. Just look at dragon age origins a good tactcal game but dragon age 2 was only super easy buttonmashing. And i also felt a bit in halo reach that it was more for the cassual audience then it was for the pro halo fans. So please 343 dont try to attract any cassual audience in halo 4.

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