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Everything posted by Macatron

  1. I (like so many others) have some ideas to improve Reach, and I'd like to say which suggestions I don't like. This is going to be a bit of a -blam!- rant, and pretty long one. Firstly, the big one. Bloom. I know lots of the community don't like it and want a H3 no bloom situation for Reach. However, I like Bloom. Here are a few reasons. Weapons have recoil. I know Halo isn't meant to be realistic because they are super soldiers but I think it taps a realistic vein. Secondly, bloom is a difference from H3. Without bloom Reach is just going to be H3 with AA and pretty new graphics. It adds a new variant to the game, and adds a bit of luck. People get lucky/unlucky with grenade throws etc, I think bloom is the same. However, I do take other peoples views into account so I would suggest having bloom free playlists. Secondly, don't take the grenade's power down a notch or two. Make them like the melee, take out shields only if shields are up, then base health if shields are down. On Armour Lock, I know people hate it and say it slows the game down, but it works well as a team AA. Lock your shields, team mate helps you out. I think it should be on team only playlists. Now the betrayal boot system. This is the one part of Halo that really annoys me. I'd like to see Friendly Fire turned off on team based playlists. People betray for weapons or because it's funny and it is annoying. People are going to say I take the game to seriously, but my k/d is 0.94 and rank commander g1. I play to have fun, but my fun, and other peoples, is spoilt when someone betrays for a sniper. Don't have any more ranks. Please god no more ranks. Inheritor 20m cR is enough. If more ranks are added, more jackpots and bigger challenge rewards. I'd like to see some more armour though. There is a 9m cR gap to fill. On challenges, I think Dailies should be 1500cR minimum, and weeklies of 15000cR minimum. Challenges that are for 150 waves or 75 Rounds of FF, you get more than that playing the game. They are more like bonuses when challenges are used like this. Please don't add anything that rewards players with more credits than other players other than rank and armour. In other words, don't put in CoD style weapon attachments. Or kill streak rewards. Finally (sigh) please, please, please go to Rooster Teeth and get a Caboose FF voice. I'm not happy I paid 150000cR for a bunch of Steve Down's coughs and moans. I want to hear stuff like "fire safety is about sharing" or "will you be my new best friend?". Rant ovar. Feel free to post ideas/arguments/caboosims/troll/what happened to you today.
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