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Everything posted by Vylo

  1. 343, To create a ranked doubles playlist that revolves around power items and weapons, it’s a idiotic joke. You have taken away the gun skill and revolved this playlist around maps full of broken spawns. You need to remove the constant power items/weapon spawns and fix your players spawn issues. This playlist is abysmal and pathetic, since you have given bad players such a crutch to compete with. (Crouch camping corners to kamakazi nade power items is running rampant in the lobbies I’ve played in) Did any bozo at your company stop to ask themselves, “Why would any skilled player enjoy a playlist that gives bad players a handicap if they abuse power item spawns”? What group of degenerate project idiots, in your company, thought it would be clever to base a competitively ranked game type around power items/weapons? (Skill reference) skilled players- strong map awareness, highly accurate and strong shooters that consistently win 1v1s with available map weapons… from the start bad players- poor map awareness, unable to consistently win firefights, campers, and power weapon crutch play style
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