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Ralph Aquino

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Grunt (1/19)



  1. Basically the title, how do dedicated servers affect me as an Australian in relation to my matchmaking experience. I've looked up how dedicated servers work, and I don't fully understand.. Could someone ELI5? (Explain like I'm 5). All I understand is now the game isnt being supported by one person in the game you are in and you aren't under the mercy of someones brother wanting to download explicit content as well as the host advantage is no longer existing with dedicated servers or extremely hardly at all. BUT does this mean that when I vs people from america that they have a more beneficial connection as they are closer to the dedicated server (running from what I understand here, bear with me and correct me when needed)? OR do both the person from America and the person from Australia have the same amount of lag as the other guy? Cool.
  2. Welcome to the Community Ralph Aquino :welcome:

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