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    football every friday, halo of course, xbox

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  1. the pelican and phantom/spirit would be awesome in forge and/or campaign. But for these people who doubt it could be like an aerial elephant, and if it is overpowered there should be an anti-air weapon to counter it if it appears in multiplayer
  2. gonna be a buzzkill about the armoury but its widely rumoured that anniversary will be shipped like odst was, with a reach multiplayer disc. So that means the same armoury but i am not saying that this is true
  3. well said i for one sort of don't mind armour abilities. In fact if they took armour lock or shortened it to like 2 seconds of usage then multiplayer would be a better place
  4. i don't know i like the sound of it but if i were 343i director, i would keep the game simple as halo 4 would be a major reputation earner for 343i
  5. I've been playing halo reach quite a lot recently and ive been nulled to armour abilities partly because the three main ones are sprint jetpack and armour lock. If they're going to insist on AA's then at least take armour lock out because it just slows gameplay down
  6. sounds like what the gears of war 3 beta was to me but i like the idea
  7. happy b day hope you have a good one!

  8. firefight versus should be put in online playlists
  9. i take back what i said earlier it might be good to see if they can correct mistakes and balance it out. everyone rushes for weapons what difference would it make if they just rushed for armour abilities instead
  10. i don't like this if its going to be a reach its going to destroy the foundations that have made halo
  11. i agree with above but im going to emphasize. credits and the armory system should stay in the game whilst Gollums idea should be implemented with a couple of tweaks and twists. for every exp you recieve it should be multiplied by like 1.5 or something just an example. So while we have the best of both rank systems at the same time having a new system altogether
  12. i really liked dual wielding because instead of loads of new weapons you could wield 2 at once with a variety of what to dual wield it also made for good action sack games. Sorry Gollum i don't think that dual swords should be implemented, it would be too over powered to have with sword with, for example, the smg, because you could kill with mid to long range with the smg whilst beating down people at close range with the sword. So unless, you could use only 2 swords when dual wielding swords it would be too unbalanced
  13. i really disliked reticule bloom rather have br spread because at least that kept some realism what with being a super soldier with out the hassle of recoil. good old halo 3
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