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Hunter (4/19)



  1. wow, are you serious? This game has the most weapon balance, the best map layouts, the tightest controls, the best netcoding... This game is better than any Halo to date in terms of multiplayer fairness. Hell, it's like the vanilla version is already MLG.
  2. exactly. It was better in H3, but most if not all of my friends don't even play Halo anymore, period.
  3. of the two? Probably the BR on smaller maps, the DMR on more open, longer-sight-line maps. But I intend to mostly use the Carbine.
  4. Forming a full party of friends and going into playlists, allowing it to separate you into even teams. It's SO MUCH MORE FUN than searching only to find a team of the best players imaginable OR a random assortment of complete durpadurps with no entertainment value either way. Take this game for example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDKbPU2ILiM Balanced teams, consensus on what maps and gametypes to choose, etc. It just flipping worked out for the best. It always does (except for that one time Lesser rage-quit...). Who else agrees with this theory, or at least sees the merit in it?
  5. I was with a party, but when we aren't playing a full team of 8, people tend to get sloppy
  6. I usually don't run objectives except in MLG or unless I absolutely have to. I do love being the designated oddball carrier though
  7. I have an example of an average game of mine right here, and I was just wondering if anyone wanted to give me some tips to get better. We're going to be as serious as possible about doing well once H4 comes out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrEyc8tjPpw
  8. someone posted this video recently, but is that just a result of the Title Update? Does armor lock really have a weakness like that?
  9. This is just a short funtage I made for my friends from the KBtG. It includes a lot of fails, random epicness, and things that just plain shouldn't have happened. WE DID IT FOR THE LULZ
  10. split screen? No way, one of them lives in Tennessee and the other lives in Southern California. Why would anyone think they were split-screen?
  11. lol guys, this is the best 1v1 ever, I can't stop laughing
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeYe4NcVtUg&list=UUIefeNYAnBbLxlZxmjZtTcQ&index=0&feature=plcp It's based off of the Doom 2 engine, and is free and stuff and tons of fun. Also, you can totally pick your favorite robot master as your avatar, which is awesome.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMQSgWFsYmc&list=PLE3C8B921F56CEA34&index=31&feature=plpp_video I have begun to work on my gameplay commentary series again, and will be doing a lot of live-action real-time gameplay (as well as a stream in the near future with a group of friends focused on MLG and BTB and Arena). That is, until Halo 4 where I'm not sure what I'll be doing... Regardless, I truly hope you guys will tell me what you think about my gameplay, commentary, and all that jazz, because it helps a ton. Love you guys
  14. I intend to do a series of Reach and Halo 3 commentaries in the very near future to prepare for Halo 4's brand-spanking newness (probably the same thing hundreds of others do as well, but whatev, RE6 isn't going to be my cup of tea so I need something else). Here's where I started the other day...and yes, it's amazing.
  15. My good friend Clinkmang is just getting back into playing and my group of friends want to start having local tournaments again, but we need to get better. Can you guys please He likes Doubles and MLG, but that's about it in Reach. I'm the same way. Most gametypes and playlists just annoy me. I for one can't stand most armor abilities, so I stick to more regulated playlists, but I honestly don't care for ZB because then spammers get too much credit, IMO. Anyway, please give us some insight.
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