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Just a Suggestion


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Hey everyone,

I know I have some "crazy" ideas but this one might get some support and it's something I want to see happen.


Everyone knows that quitters create quite the problem for both teams. This suggestion might ease the pain of the remaining few after the quitters have left.


Let us say that you are playing arena and all of a sudden half your team quits. Now, this is Arena so this round is going to affect your rank, no matter what.


There needs to be a formula or ratio that is running while the game is going that keeps track of the score and the amount of people that have quit. This ratio would see how each team is doing based on score, whether this is capture the flag, oddball, slayer...whatever.


Now, let us say that if you start out with 4 people on each team, kills to 50. You spawn in and rush rockets - snipe - whatever and teammate D quits because he didn't get the sniper. Now we all think, well that's fine it is the beginning of the game, everything is tied, there is no way for this to get out of hand already. The ratio is keeping track of this, the score is tied and there is one person gone.


So the game continues, everything is going ok, you could possibly be winning, when BAM, out of nowhere teammate C betrays teammate A for the rockets. Teammate A decides, well that ***** can suck it, and boots his ass. Now it is 2 vs 4, and the ratio is starting to get wonked because there are less players and the score is getting tipsy. You start to die alot because 2 vs 4 does not usually end in a win for the 2. and here comes the crazy part.




I know this sounds nuts but hear me out.


The true-skill meter is based on your performance during the game. What the true skill meter does not take into account is the amount of people either on your team or the other team that quit.

So lets say you go a 1709 where your team had 4 vs 1. This 1750 SHOULD NOT COUNT towards your rank/true skill because it does not accurately judge your true-skill. Now lets say you went a 780 that round because you were the 1 vs 4 because your teammates were too weak to finish the game. This is not your true-skill either because the other team had an unfair advantage.


Now let us say you win and you were the 1 vs 4. But I beat all of them even though they outnumbered me. because i killed them with my awesome. Well obviously the opponents you faced where not the same skill level you were anyway, therefore the true-skill ranking had failed at matching you. Even though this may sound like a downfall, it really isn't the worst possible thing. and it is something I personally could deal with.


questions? comments?

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Obviously the subject of quitting has spawned a lot of threads. Your idea seem fine on the surface, but if you end up on the team that has the quitters, what is to stop the remaining players from throwing the game in order to have it not affect their true skill. Example: One player quits, the games starts to drift away, so one or two of the remaining players either AFK or run into the open to die. The remaining one or two who continue to fight hard for a win or their respective stats. This could create another unfair situation by trying to resolve another. It would also seem to be more variables. What if you were expected to win the game 4v4 and lost 3v4 badly enough to hit your proposed threshold? I played Arena Doubles while it was available and in the games where a team mate quit I rarely won. Wins did happen though, either due to players lesser opponents or slowing the pace of the game and trying to separate the players for 1v1 fights. sometimes hologram use. Point is, quitters have long be more than an annoyance and the only thing that has been somewhat effective is punishing the quitter. Here is a link to a thread you may or may not have seen what do you think of this thought being applied to the stripping of rank status for quitters? Read post #8 for my ideas.

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I like that you provided me with some more insight to my idea and will provide a response in a second.

I appreciate the feedback because when coming up with ideas, everything works out in your own head until others point out issues.


I read your post about the quitters getting their credits taken away and not their rank.

But the thing is, once you get 100% armory completion, around eclipse or nova, then credits mean nothing, rank means nothing more than you have played more than the other.

Taking away credits would not provide a serious enough punishment to the higher ranked because credits lose their value exponentially during the ranking process.


One player quits, the games starts to drift away, so one or two of the remaining players either AFK or run into the open to die.


This is basically what the problem comes down to is, the game probably would not have drifted so far away had the teams been even. This is a giant assumption I know but it must be taken into account that the teams were not even and therefore the true-skill of a 4v4 was not taken into account. The other two that fight for their own stats will not have to worry about anything because they understand that this match will no longer be counted to their true-skill.


I play Team Doubles alot, its basically because me and my friend do not have other teammates that play our style.

I have won Team Doubles matches 1v2 myself. but in doing so, the final score still did not reflect my true-skill.

The rank that both teams, the team of 1 and the team of 2 did not achieve or finish an actual match.


Of course, if something of this nature is implemented in any game of any kind, the numbers must be CAREFULLY balanced in order to achieve the right system.

I must admit I am not the Twinreaper and have very little knowledge of technically how the true-skill system functions. But I would like to assume that the only way to accurately judge true skill is if to finish a match with all the players in the match.


One other thing I forgot to add about this system is that if an entire team quits early, which in doubles happens more often than not, The remaining team's rank is significantly lower than that of if they had played the full game. If Me and my friend get to 5 kills and the other team quits, then our ranks are around 1105 or 1258 etc. This, being, nowhere close to where our rank would be if they just finished match.


As I said in the original post, this is a crazy idea. It seems way out there but if tweaked carefully, could help.


all in all, I just hate quitters. :(

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