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Halo 5 Visuals


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Alright now bear with me. This is NOT. Halo 5 sucks rant, nor is it a "this halo game was the best."


Is it just me, or do the visuals in MULTIPLAYER look bland, and boring? More specifically, does there appear to be a lack of detail? When I play halo 5, it simply does not look good to me! In the loading screen, everything appears fabulous. Armor, maps, etc, however--when I get in a game, the details go away.


Halo 4 was many things. Even I was not particularly fond of the gameplay, but at least it contained some level of detail. I could recognize the different helmets and armor players used, and more!


In Halo Reach, even, I could visualize the different details with great ease, but halo 5.. Something is missing. When I load rumble pit, I get the same map, and it just doesn't look REAL. Yes, it is not a modern shooter, but the plants don't look like PLANTS. the rock where sniper spawns looks like a piece of plastic.


On another note, does anybody struggle to have smooth aiming? Whether using ADS or visor? My gameplay (with three different controllers) all have a hard time using right analog stick (default) for turning, and strafing is MUCH easier and more fluid.


I'm not going to make the stock "it doesn't feel like halo" comment, but there are certain elements that are DEFINITELY lacking there of.



Thoughts? Serious responses only, I'm looking for true thought here.


Also I'm not familiar with shortened speech (TLDR is the ONLY thing I know).

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A big part of it is just the way the engine renders things, as items are now a lot less 'glossy' and a lot more matte - they're also textured to a higher standard but with less in the way of details, which is supposed to give them a slightly cleaner, more modern look, as opposed to things like Reach which relied on large amounts of detail to try and give the illusion of high-quality textures.


In terms of aiming: it felt weird to me at first, but I got used to it very quickly. I'm not sure whether this is because of the controller, the new aiming system itself, or just lack of recent experience (prior to Halo 5 I hadn't even picked up a controller is about six months), but it does feel fairly normal to me. I am noticing that there seems to be a lot less in the way of aim assist than in previous Halos though, so perhaps that's what is throwing you?

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I completely agree with the OP.

Halo 5 does not look next-gen. At all.

Earlier, I loaded up the MCC and played Halo 3. And what did I find? Halo 3, a game developed for XB360 in 2007, has BETTER quality, less compressed enivornmental textures than Halo 5, a game developed for XB1 in 2015. There is ABSOLUTELY no excuse for this. At all.

The XB1 has 8gb of RAM and 1gb of VRAM.

The majority of levels in Halo 5's Campaign aren't big and are linear, comparable to Halo 3. The same goes for the MP Arena maps. There is no reason for Halo 5 to look like it does being a next-gen exclusive title.

I am enjoying the MP gameplay and the Campaign story in Halo 5, but I am beyond disappointed with Halo 5 on a technical level. I am embarassed as a Halo fan and as an XB1 owner.

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@@RedStarRocket91 After taking a closer look, i remembered that my hands had taken the time from halo 3, odst, and reach to adjust to the xbox 360 controller, thus having "mastered" maneuvering and gameplay.  The xbox one controller is different, therefore I had to readjust when playing halo.  Doing much better now, thanks.



@@Mendicant_Bias  I was seriously hating 5 a few days ago.  Even went on twitter (which I have never done) and made a few adult, but unnecessary tweets at Halo, Microsoft, and Xbox.. After more gameplay, I have come to appreciate the campaign and multiplayer as well.  the visuals still bother me immensely, however I find they look far worse in multiplayer, rather than campaign.  While I appreciate the focus on campaign, I would still enjoy a visually flattering multiplayer experience.. What you see is what you get, right?


Good talk fellas.. I really enjoyed being able to discuss this without trolls and immaturity. 

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