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Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Silent Orbis

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So, guys. Last week was heaven for Metal Gear Solid fan's like myself. First of all, the biggest thing was the release date. Finally, Kojima. Finally. You've been working on this game since after MGS 4, announced in 2012, and now it'll actually release on September 1st, 2015. I was so frickin' happy. So, so happy. 


What made me even happier, was the collector's edition. Yeah, there's a "day one edition" which comes with a lot of DLC by the way. But any true fan knows where his money is going: the $100 collector's edition. It comes with EVEN more DLC, and a physical map. Oh, and also a 1:2 scale replica of his arm! The Japanese fans get a 1:! replica, but oh well. We're American, so we're deprived of MGS loot, lol. That's just the way it is, and this limited edition is beautiful.




But that ain't no meat and potatoes. Because a hardcore -- and I mean HARD-core -- MGS fan will want the console. The limited edition console, colored with communist colors. But communist colors look nice, so it's cool. The top of the PS4 is red with a gold lining (like Snake's prosthetic arm), and the bottom is an off-black. The controller is a gunmetal grey, colored like his gun. You can definitely see the symbolic Kojima-style art on it. Here's the problem: it's only available in the Asia region, and not in the US. I'm definitely willing to import it from Japan, because my love for MGS is so complicated. It's rumored that if demand is high enough in the West, we may get it here, as well. I'd be way happier if we did, but for now,  want to import.


And I know that a fan beyond hardcore... a true-supreme-real-ultra-super-mega fan will get the limited edition console combined with the collectors edition for a true package. (And this fan will also have Ground Zeroes). 




And I want to finish with...



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