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H5 - Grenades


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What kinds of grenades do you want to see included in Halo 5:  Guardians?

Here are the grenade types I want.

Fragmentation Grenade

-appears as a glowing gold sphere that whooshes in flight
-medium projectile speed
-minor projectile drop over distance once past close range
-bounces off of hard surfaces including players and vehicles
-timed fuse begins on impact
-medium sized, spherical area of effect
-damage gradient is highest at the center of the blast and lowest at the edges of the blast radius
-maximum damage is equivalent to 1.0 shield layers
-after detonation, a black dust cloud lingers in the blast radius for a moment
-medium cooldown period between consecutive grenade throws
-typically spawn in groups of two

Plasma Grenade

-appears as a glowing blue sphere that hisses in flight
-medium projectile speed
-moderate projectile drop over distance once past medium range
-sticks to hard surfaces, including hard vertical surfaces, as well as players or vehicles
-timed fuse begins on impact
-narrow and long, cylindrical area of effect is projected perpendicularly outward from the impacted surface
-cylindrical area of effect is comprised of two nested cylindrical damage-zones
-entire inner cylinder deals a single static damage value
-outer cylinder has a damage gradient that is highest at the grenade edge of the cylinder and lowest at the far edge of the cylinder
-maximum damage is equivalent to 2.0 shield layers  (1.25 inner cylinder + 0.75 outer cylinder)
-after detonation, a blue haze lingers in the blast radius for a moment
-medium cooldown period between consecutive grenade throws
-typically spawn in groups of two

Gravity Wave Generator

-appears as a glowing purple cone that hums in flight
-fast projectile speed
-no projectile drop over distance
-immediately detonates on impact with any hard surface including players or vehicles  
-thin and tall, prolate spheroidal area of effect
-creates a momentary push back effect upon detonation in addition to dealing damage
-direct impact deals a single static damage/push value plus the entire splash radius deals a single static damage/push value (full damage/push, splash damage/push, or no damage/push)
-maximum damage is equivalent to 0.55 shield layers (0.275 direct impact + 0.275 splash)
-briefly distorts directly impacted players' hearing
-short cooldown period between consecutive grenade throws
-typically spawn in groups of three

Pulse Orb

-appears as a glowing red sphere that wah-wahs in flight
-slow projectile speed
-major projectile drop over distance once past long range
-bounces off of hard surfaces, including players and vehicles, before eventually coming to rest on a hard horizontal surface
-manually detonated by the user (hold trigger to throw, release trigger to detonate) or will automatically detonate after some time
-upon detonation, an emp blast is immediately followed by an incineration blast
-large, spherical area of emp effect
-emp damage gradient is highest at the center of the blast and lowest at the edges of the blast radius
-very small, spherical area of incineration effect
-entire incineration sphere deals a single static damage value
-maximum damage is equivalent to 4.0 shield layers (2.0 emp + 2.0 incineration)
-long cooldown period between consecutive grenade throws
-emp blast briefly stuns impacted vehicles' movement for a static duration
-a player killed, or a vehicle destroyed, by the incineration blast will immediately begin disintegrating
-typically spawn in groups of one

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