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Looking for players on Master Chief Collection


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The Master Chief Collection is right around the corner (less than a week) so I am looking for players.

About me:
I have been on multiple teams throughout Halo 3 and Reach that have won some online tournaments.
I usually have a K/D anywhere from 1.0 to 1.5 overall (not the best put thats what most pros get during tournaments)
I know most callouts and effective strategies for team based gameplay and how to keep a cool head during a match.

What I'm looking for:
Dedicated teammates who will get online to practice at LEAST 3 nights a week. (I know schedules conflict but dedicated people learn to make time)
Mature players who won't rage during a match or rage quit after a few loses (Losing is part of the game so get used to it)

***You do not need to be any certain age or have tournament experience because we will grow as a team overall.***

If you are interested and have an XBOX ONE then feel free to add/message me on xbox live.

GT: Zeruca

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  • 1 month later...

Hey Zeruca


I'm just now seeing this and wanted to say that I will gladly team up with you.


I can guarantee Saturday and Sunday evenings.  During the week my hours are limited until after 10:00pm EST


I am not trying to be a pro or anything at the moment, but I have been playing Halo since Halo 3 (started playing around 2008). 


I have always been someone who is good at the game based on sheer enjoyment from watching streams and videos online. 


I am very strategic and am a great support player who has been looking for someone to play with consistently. 


If you haven't found a team yet and want to run a few, I'll add you and we'll get it going! I'll be on tonight around 5:30pm est.



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Hello Zeruca.


Are you still building/starting a clan for Halo MCC? Because I am willing to join.


I have been playing Halo for more than 10 years, starting with Halo CE and then playing and loving all the Halo games.


I am a huge fan of Halo. To the point where I purchased action figures, and read a few of the novels, graphic novels, and fanfiction. Above all, I love playing the Halo games.


I hate quitting games, I know most of the callouts, and I stay relaxed at all times because it is a video game. Games are meant for having fun.


I play competitivly, but also for recreation. I was thinking about joining a clan sooner or later and I was hoping to see if your clan is the one.


Please contact me via Xbox Live or emailing me.


My GT currently is: VentralPilot23 (I may change it to Tark 301 to match my Twitch and Steam username).


Thank you Zacura.

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