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Halo 5 should just include the entire Halo sandbox.

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i agree. i would also like original sounds and music. the halo 4 music was terrible. it'd also be nice to have more detail oriented items in forge like bodies or destroyed vehicle chassis.

The music is fine. Its not that big of a deal.


But it might be hard, making all this stuff. Its easier said than done. Do you want to make almost 100 maps from scratch with high quality details?

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That task is easier said than done. For every weapon, they would need sound, all sorts of animations for running, jumping, hitting, reloading with it, etc... Then, they would need to balance it out for gameplay. Not all maps should be remade, because not all of them would work well with the additions of sprint and armor abilities. Also, 343i had about 4 years to make Halo 4 and it wasn't finished when it was released. Do you really think that they will be able to do all of this within the 2-3 years they are given to make Halo 5?

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I agree with MA1NE whilst I'd love to see all weapons return it'd be unlikely, however we don't know how long Halo 5 was in development, it could of been in dev along with 4, as they said they learned alot of mistakes from 4. I think Halo 5 is going to be the Halo 2 of the Reclaimer trilogy   

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