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HG Geordieboy

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The Dark Enforcers is a community that has been around for a little over 12 years(we started on pc). we say community instead of clan for a couple of reasons. first we are on multipal platforms(ps3,xbox,pc), second we do not requier any skill level to join, third we do not requier members to be on at certain time(this may change for leadership positions) you are free to play when you want.


basicly we are just a large group of people that play together(roughly 350 for halo 4 right now). we do have a few requierments, 1st you MUST be 15 years old or older! 2 you are asked to play the game between 3 and 4 hours a week at minimum (dose not matter when). 3 willing to add other people from the branch you join ( a branch has 100 people in it) to your frineds list.4 must give us an email( if you don't like give us your main email than make a new one) so that we can send you a 10 page packet letting you know our history, rules, ranking structure, and so on.


over all we are really laid back compaired to most clans and other communities, and its an enjoyable enviroment. thanks for your consideration!

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