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Halo 4 File Browser

invader kev

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Hello there all, I'm new to the site, and i want to start of by just putting up something that i think is a little needed.


The file browser built into Halo 4 isn't exactly what me or my large amount of friends and others want it to be. To start, the ability to not search by the name of the file is one of two, and the second is that it repeats the issue i had with Reach. The navigation of the different search engines is confusion. It'd be nice if there was a site I could go to the find the files and file shares of anything and anyone, like the Bungie.net file search but instead of it being the clutter that it was, it was organized by name of file, base map, date made, and number of views/ downloads to console. That way if I'm looking for a specific map, I could just search for the name, the base map and/or creator, so instead of getting 20 maps of the same name and some not being on forge sandbox maps, I just get the ones I want on a map built primarily for forge.


I honestly hate the trial and error of having to remember the gamer tag of someone I met over a few weeks ago while playing with one of my XBL friends on the other persons really good map.



Just something I wanted to put out.

Thanks and what a great game!

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