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Suggestions for Big Team Battle Longevity (Related to Halo's "Decline")


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i was considering posting this at Halo Waypoint but I refuse to give my gamertag. Here are some thoughts and ideas in making sure Halo 4's Big Team Battle will sustain its population and possibly grow in the future.


343 needs to stop being ridged/scared and just create their own Halo experience. Why do you think the casual population has declined in Halo? It feels like a 1 weapon game. A 1 weapon game that has already lived through a couple generation of consoles. 343 needs to spice up the playlist for Big Team Battle a bit to give the game that extra variety so people can change things up every now and then---join it and then go into other playlists that they symbolically identify with.


Keep the Big Team Battle playlist together. Do not segregate it into "Big Team Objective" (potentially) and "Big Team Slayer". Keep it as one so the playlist is not fractured. Now onto some ideas:


--Big Team Rockets (and related ideas) : Every now and then in the Big Team Battle playlist, a game of Rockets should pop up as a choice. Anyone remember Halo 2? Anyone remember Halo 3's Rocket/Laser gametype in BTB? Something like this should be added to Halo 4. Why? Because it adds variety to the experience. It breaks up the intensity of the grind of battling match after match and give the mind a little time to regroup and recuperate before the next match.


--Capture the Flag/Objective: As many have stated before, there needs to be Capture the Flag. If you want to add Dominion, fine, but CTF is necessary. Its classic Halo and with the size of the majority of the maps, there is no excuse in not having it. Stop being so concerned about if it works perfectly or not. Its BTB.


--Maps: Lets get some more variety in the maps. Every map doesn't need to include a marathon in order to get to the other side of the map where campers with the DMR are hanging out. Remember, its Big Team Battle. It doesn't need to be "perfect". There is some understanding that with 16+ gamers there is always going to be some margin of error and wiggle room in the game mechanics.


343 just needs to breathe a bit. Relax. Stop listening to the whiners about every little thing and try to focus on the overal experience. I focused on Big Team Battle because its the one playlist that always has the ability to throw a curveball, to have a little variety, and to spice things up from the mundane grind. If you have an inner "will" then you can adapt to the changes and still come out on top (overcome the adversity). If you are dogmatic and stuck in your ways, then you will lose. Where there is a will, there is a way. Skill is always vital and essential, but will and heart are what initiate and command your skill to victory.

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