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Personal Thoughts on Halo 4 Campaign


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Hello my name is Paramight and I am a avid Halo fan. I have played and beaten every Halo game on Legendary Difficulty. In no way shape or form am I here to gloat or to brag about my doing so. Just some back story to me so you understand where I am coming from. I am not here to ***** or anything I mean I like the 343 took the time to make the game but this is how I feel about it and this is just my personal experience and what I feel on the subject matter, if you don't like what I am saying then don't post.


Now in this topic I want to get other people's opinions on this and thoughts.


What sparked this is after I beat the Halo 4 campaign on normal in 3 hours. That seemed a bit fast even for me so I went through the campaign on Legendary Difficulty with a friend of mine and beat it in roughly around the same amount of time. For us we have played Halo games and never had it that easy with Legendary Difficulty as in this game.


Beside the known fact that the campaign is way to easy and short. The whole thing on the broad spectrum of things makes it seem a bit laughable that this game a bit of a let down when it comes to campaign.


Look at it like this. There are a few main problems.


1. No boss battle

When I play a Halo game I would expect to fight a Scarab or a Prophet or in this game the Didect.(Forgive me if I spelled that incorrect I will fix later)


2.Lack of AI Debugging

During the Legendary run through I found that the AI seemed a bit broken in vehicles and just the aliens them self's. Such as either killing their teammates, or getting stuck in a wall.


3.QuickTime Event.....

It seems that this just was put in for "Half ass" reasons since they didn't want to put a actual fight.


4.No Legendary Ending

Why just why...


Other than that stuff some stuff just irks me when it comes to playing through.


There wasn't a huge amount of driving fighting in vehicles compared to other Halo's. The warthog physic's is completely weird and different than the other Halo's, and why does it feel like when I am flying the broadsword or the pelican it feels like I am flying a warthog.... I mean they drift in the sky.


Last thing I will say about this is that the whole campaign is awfully redundant. Kill this kill that, no we won't really explain why they are here (Covi's). Press this button x15. Constant just going into this room and that room kill everything and be done with it. Nothing amazingly new nothing to shock and awe its just actually boring and it really hurts me to say that.


Well that's it for my rant I would like to see a few patch's made for the warthog to fix the physic's of it so it doesn't flip on every bump and that the AI is tuned up. Thank you for your time.

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Sadly I have to agree. The creativity of the level design was weak. In previous Halo's I never really got the feeling I was doing work (besides the odd bit like the Library in #1). But this campaign constantly felt like a chore. The warthog also sounds and drives worse, AI seems dumber than usual, the music wasn't as epic. I know the friendly AI driving has always been somewhat dodgy, but I was in disbelief when I saw a marine repeatedly driving back and fourth into a wall for eternity. The campaign just lacked any wow moments for me compared to Halo 3's large scale battles involving scarabs, marines and vehicles. I wonder if it's just a symptom of growing bored with this generation of consoles, I mean by this point we've pretty much seen it all. I just think in this particular case, in the past Halo campaigns I've seen it done better.

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Hello my name is Paramight and I am a avid Halo fan. I have played and beaten every Halo game on Legendary Difficulty. In no way shape or form am I here to gloat or to brag about my doing so. Just some back story to me so you understand where I am coming from. I am not here to ***** or anything I mean I like the 343 took the time to make the game but this is how I feel about it and this is just my personal experience and what I feel on the subject matter, if you don't like what I am saying then don't post.


Now in this topic I want to get other people's opinions on this and thoughts.


What sparked this is after I beat the Halo 4 campaign on normal in 3 hours. That seemed a bit fast even for me so I went through the campaign on Legendary Difficulty with a friend of mine and beat it in roughly around the same amount of time. For us we have played Halo games and never had it that easy with Legendary Difficulty as in this game.


Beside the known fact that the campaign is way to easy and short. The whole thing on the broad spectrum of things makes it seem a bit laughable that this game a bit of a let down when it comes to campaign.


Look at it like this. There are a few main problems.


1. No boss battle

When I play a Halo game I would expect to fight a Scarab or a Prophet or in this game the Didect.(Forgive me if I spelled that incorrect I will fix later)


2.Lack of AI Debugging

During the Legendary run through I found that the AI seemed a bit broken in vehicles and just the aliens them self's. Such as either killing their teammates, or getting stuck in a wall.


3.QuickTime Event.....

It seems that this just was put in for "Half ass" reasons since they didn't want to put a actual fight.


4.No Legendary Ending

Why just why...


Other than that stuff some stuff just irks me when it comes to playing through.


There wasn't a huge amount of driving fighting in vehicles compared to other Halo's. The warthog physic's is completely weird and different than the other Halo's, and why does it feel like when I am flying the broadsword or the pelican it feels like I am flying a warthog.... I mean they drift in the sky.


Last thing I will say about this is that the whole campaign is awfully redundant. Kill this kill that, no we won't really explain why they are here (Covi's). Press this button x15. Constant just going into this room and that room kill everything and be done with it. Nothing amazingly new nothing to shock and awe its just actually boring and it really hurts me to say that.


Well that's it for my rant I would like to see a few patch's made for the warthog to fix the physic's of it so it doesn't flip on every bump and that the AI is tuned up. Thank you for your time.




1. There are two story modes (Something that poeple on these forums seem to forget). You can't say that there is no boss battle till we see the end of SOPS.


2. Yeah there are a few probs.


3. The Didect doesn't die in the end. Besides how could he fight some one who can use teleknesis with what he had. I'm fairly certian that the speeded evolution that the Librarian put him through will give him the power to fight off this. But that will probably be in MCs journey through H5.


4. Technically your wrong, and technically your right.


As for the last thing: This is a FPS, every FPS is go there, shoot up a room, maybe push a button.

Check out SOPS's first level if you want large scale vehicular combat.

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I too am dissapointed with the game (with all the hype surrounding it) But I feel that we need to give 343 the benefit of the doubt, I mean they took on a huge challenge which could distroy them if they fail. They tried to make a good story but didnt come up with a good one. Halo 5 will determine if they are fit enough to create halo games. I love the Halo Lore i think its one of the best out there, and i was concerned when bungie was removed from it, I just hope that 343 understands the mistakes they have made in halo 4 and change it. it did get very annoying with the consant wave after wave of enemies charging at you it felt very un-halo-ish and more like call of duty

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