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Posts posted by Donut

  1. You've always been a good friend to me, and all of us, John.

    You deserve this title, because you are certainly... legendary.


    I hope you come back as a moderator soon!

    Gonna miss you being blue, but will have to get used to seeing you in yellow. :P


    You have your whole life ahead of you man, and I wish you best of luck.

    Thank you for being a great friend to all of us; you sir, are a legend.

    • Like 7
  2. Personally, I am getting the PS4. Both consoles pretty much have the same Specs, but in my opinion, PS4 has the better exclusive games.



    • Daylight
    • DC Universe Online
    • Deep Down
    • Don’t Starve
    • DriveClub
    • Final Fantasy XIV
    • Galak-Z
    • Infamous: Second Son
    • Killzone: Shadow Fall
    • Knack
    • Mercenary Kings
    • Octodad: Deadliest Catch
    • Outlast
    • The Order 1866
    • PlanetSide 2
    • Ray‘s The Dead
    • Secret Ponchos
    • The Witness
    • Transistor

    Xbox One:

    • Forza 5
    • Halo 5
    • Killer Instinct
    • Minecraft One
    • Crimson Dragon
    • Dead Rising 3
    • Sunset Overdrive
    • Quantum Break
    • Ryse
    • Titanfall
    • D4


    The PS4 is $100 cheaper. One big reason is that the PS4′s attachable camera, a rough equivalent to Xbox’s Kinect, is sold separately for $60. I’d prefer to have the choice and save the money. 


    Microsoft is justifying the $499 price tag of the Xbox One by flagging the inclusion of Kinect as standard, while Sony is sticking to offering the PlayStation Eye as an extra peripheral (priced at $59). I’d argue that most gamers have no interest in motion-control, so cramming it down people’s throats is actually a bad thing. This difference in approach also suggests the PS4 is the console of choice for core gamers, with the Xbox One clearly embracing the casual crowd.


    I really don't want a new Halo. I want something different. Something new. Games like Uncharted, The Last of Us, and Infamous are all great games. I can play Titanfall on my PC. 


    Microsoft only changed some of their problems because they saw what Sony was doing and how they were dominating them in pre-order charts.

    PS+ seems more reliable and has a lot of better features than Xbox Live, imo.

    I can also use the extra $100 I'm not using on the Xbox One for a new game and/or controller.


    All I saw at E3 for Microsoft was "TV TV TV SPORTS SPORTS TV, and... Call of Duty: Ghosts."


    These are all just my OPINIONS. I love Halo, and I play that 93% of the time on my 360. But I mean, come on. Its not the Halo I grew up with anymore. Halo 5 looks promising, but so do a lot of the other Exclusive games on PS4.


    You have some good points, and i may buy an Xbox One when Halo 5 comes out, but PS4 is my choice for now.

    • Like 4
  3. FloodContest_zpsc8e35404.png


    So, you've decided to take part in the contest, ey? Great!
    Once you have thrown some blocks together, it is advised that you get it tested to help identify any problems. Getting 12 people together can be difficult, so these special BIOC lobbies are being set up to get everyone together and give everyone equal opportunities to improve their maps.
    Here is a reminder of the rules;
    • The map must be a Free Roam Flood map forged on either Erosion, Impact, Ravine or Forge Island
    • The map will be judged using the Hivemind game-type, found in the Flood matchmaking playlist
    • The map must be suitable for 10-12 players
    • The map must have a creation date on or after July 20th 2013
    • You are only allowed to submit one map
    • You may forge with a partner, but keep in mind that only one prize will be issued
    • You must tag the map file with 'DFO1' and have it in your File Share for the duration of the contest and judging
    Upcoming lobbies:
    Lobby Host - El Trocity
    Lobby Time and Date - 5PM EST, Tuesday 6th August
    To sign up, follow this template;
    Submission: [Y/N]
    Good luck with your forging everyone!
    • Like 3
  4. FloodContest_zpsc8e35404.png


    For those of you who love forging Zombie invested landscapes or feel like it is time for you to take a stab at creating a brain sucking nightmare we challenge you to bring our worst dreams to life with the living dead!








    This will be a forge contest based on

    Forgers are required to use the


    Every map must be suitable for play with 10-12 players per game.

    We encourage you to test your maps before you submission to the contest.

    You are only allowed to submit one map per forger or forge team.

    You may forge with a partner, but only one prize per map will be offered.

    To sign up for the contest, you must reply to this thread, listing your file share gamer tag, map name, description (if you choose) and only one image.

    Your map must be tagged with "DFO1" and remain in your file share for the duration of the contest and judging.



    Judging based on a 30 point system with 10 points per each category.


    Categories are:


    Map Balance


    Game Play




    Donut of 343industries.org, Elliot of ForgeHub.com, Absolute Dog of 343industries.org


    Play Testing provided by






    1st Place

    Prize is either the Champions Bundle for Halo 4 (releases August 20th), 1600 ms points, or 3 month XBL gold.

    Feature video on both THFE 's and Mr Pokefiles You Tube Channels

    Choice of concept art for either Impact, Erosion or Ravine signed by

    Certain Affinity


    2nd Place

    Feature video on both THFE's and Mr Pokefiles You Tube Channels

    Choice of concept art for either Impact, Erosion or Ravine signed by

    Certain Affinity


    3rd Place

    Feature video on both THFE's and Mr Pokefiles You Tube Channels


    Due Date

    Final map submissions are due no later than 11:59 PM EST August 31st




    Flood images used for this thread were obtained from

    Sneaky Baron.

    View full article

  5. Can the map submission be a previously forged map or new map? :question:  Can it be playable with other gametypes or Flood specific? :unknw:

    Are we there yet? Lol. :thumbsup:

    It has to be a new map forged within July 20th and August 18th. 

    It can be played with other gametypes. :)

    We're almost there ;)

    • Like 1
  6. Pretty much everything BaconShelf said.


    • A console (suggested: Xbox 360).
    • A game (suggested: Halo 3, Reach, Halo 4).
    • Body/voice actors.
    • A capture card (suggested: Hauppauge HDPVR, costs a lot, but worth it).
    • A good/powerful computer.
    • An excellent microphone for voice acting.
    • Video editor (suggested: Sony Vegas Pro, Final Cut Edit, NEVER Windows Movie Maker).
    • A well thought out script.
    • Maps forged and ready for custom games.


    Also, watch machinimas on YouTube. Learn from others (Arbiter 617, Digital Virus, etc) for inspiration. Try out some camera angles, listen to music (like Two Steps from Hell, Position Music, RipTide Music, Killer Tracks, Audiomachine, PostHaste Music, Zack Hemsey, Hans Zimmer, Ninja Tracks, Immediate Music).


    And most of all, remember to not give up. If you try hard enough, your machinima will turn out stunning and people will like it! Just keep going, and try your best while making your machinimas. ^-^


    Hope I helped! :)

  7. FloodContest_zpsc8e35404.png


    For those of you who love forging Zombie invested landscapes or feel like it is time  for you to take a stab at creating a brain sucking nightmare we challenge you to bring our worst dreams to life with the living dead!








    This will be a forge contest based on

    Forgers are required to use the


    Every map must be suitable for play with 10-12 players per game.

    We encourage you to test your maps before you submission to the contest.

    You are only allowed to submit one map per forger or forge team.
    You may forge with a partner, but only one prize per map will be offered.

    To sign up for the contest, you must reply to this thread, listing your file share gamer tag, map name, description (if you choose) and only one image.

    Your map must be tagged with "DFO1" and remain in your file share for the duration of the contest and judging.

    You must forge a new map that was/is made after July 20th.



    Judging based on a 30 point system with 10 points per each category.


    Categories are:


    Map Balance


    Game Play




    Donut of 343industries.org, Elliot of ForgeHub.com, Absolute Dog of 343industries.org
    Play Testing provided by  





    1st Place

    Prize is either the Champions Bundle for Halo 4 (releases August 20th), 1600 ms points, or 3 month XBL gold.
    Feature video on both THFE 's and Mr Pokefiles You Tube Channels
    Choice of concept art for either Impact, Erosion or Ravine signed by
    Certain Affinity


    2nd Place

    Feature video on both THFE's and Mr Pokefiles You Tube Channels

    Choice of concept art for either Impact, Erosion or Ravine signed by

    Certain Affinity


    3rd Place

    Feature video on both THFE's and Mr Pokefiles You Tube Channels


    Due Date

    Final map submissions are due no later than 11:59 PM EST August 31st

    Flood images used for this thread were obtained from Sneaky Baron.

    This post has been promoted to an article

    • Like 8
  8. ... pointless?


    Personally, I make machinimas in both Reach and Halo 4, and although it is easier to make machinimas in Reach, its still possible and fun to make them in Halo 4. You have to learn to concur Halo 4's obstacles and problems. 


    In my opinion, I made a great Halo 4 machinima about 2 months ago. I had problems, but I overcame them. 

    I'm just struggling to see how making a Halo 4 machinima is "Pointless". Its fun, it entertains the viewers, you can make some pretty scary machinimas with the Flood, has tons of mods, and weapon lowering online (its limited, but its there).


    Sure, you have some good points here. But its not enough for me to say that making a Halo 4 machinima is "pointless." 


    I mean come on, you have a map editor, Custom games, lots of mods, character customization, and better graphics.

    If I can make a Halo 4 machinima, anyone can.


    Btw: Spartans*, awkward*, you're*

    • Like 3
  9. Classification: Signature
    Format: .jpg
    Size: 593x167
    Style: Colorful
    Primary Colors: The writing will be lightish red (pink, if you wish), and highlighted white.


    Backgroundhttp://cdn2.planetminecraft.com/files/resource_media/screenshot/1222/Blood_gulch_2430878.jpg (zoomed in a bit so the sky/outer area is not showing)


    Writing: "Its lightish red, not Pink."
    Font: Red vs Blue font, or the Denmark font.
    Extras: Some more writing on the side. "Name: Franklin Delano Donut. Affiliation: Red team. Favorite weapons: BR, SMG, Plasma Grenade. Armor Color: Lightish Red."
    Locations: Image 1 in the middle of the sig, slightly to the left. The writing should be next to Image 1 on the right, like he is giving a quote.
  10. lolwut.


    The negative K/D in Call of Duty Black Ops 2 is because of all the 11yr olds that beg their parents to buy the game for them and always scream into their mic.

    Halo 4, though it is much like CoD, still takes more skill to play.


    Like it or not, its a fact.


    Blacks Ops 2, in my opinion, is a mindless shooter. Its very easy to play. That's why so many young people play it. Because its easy and generic.


    Seriously, what does K/D have to do with anything?

    Some people are just naturally good. Maybe people are in MLG playing Halo 4. 


    Short and sweet, and to the point: CoD is easy = More people play it = More negative K/D.


    Halo takes more skill. Case closed.

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