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Posts posted by MasterChief4lyf

  1. Since Halo 2 i had went to my cousins house and my uncles house to play a couch co-op campaign marathon but now because the head of 343 had said that "the xbox live setup is so robust and its so hard to get people but uh hello no its hard for YOU to get YOUR friends and YOUR family over phil spencer so to say this as nicely as possible, you ruined my halo experience by not allowing couch co-op and had forced me to buy a second box one and a second copy of the game just do play this game. i love halo for master chief not ***** spartan locke i want to play halo for the badass super soldier master chief who would never go rouge, saves the planet 10000000000000 times can still go rouge so lets trust the rookie locke to take care of him even when master chief can poke locke and he will die so 343 killed this series and they know it for a fact along side that the micro transactions are f*cking stupid and require no skill to unlock. so the game should be renamed to "343 says f*ck your friends, f*ck your childhood, give us money!!!" 


    here is a review on the game that makes most of the same points that i made 

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