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Posts posted by CyberPunk

  1. I have been playing halo since the day it came out. Halo 1, LAN parties, 4 xboxes and 4 tvs.

    Then halo 2 came out, based on online matchmaking and the awesome 1-50 ranking system. Why did kids play over and over and over again, like a crack addict? Because they just wanted to rank up. In the back of their mind they wanted to get a 50, even if their current goal was to get from 35 to 40. The 50 ranking system is what made everyone play way longer than they would have played any other game.


    Overshield, invisibility.. Teamwork, timing, and map control, took the game to another level. Getting to 50 and playing 50 high, was like chess. Knowing exactly the time rockets or overshield popped back up, so your team could strategically position themselves to grab them. Knowing the time sniper came back up.


    Halo was basic, 1-50 rank, and everyone wanted a 50. You didn't have to worry about retarded jet packs and armor lock. You started with the same things, and had to fight like hell on the map to get power ups. Not spawn with them!


    Halo 3, same concept. 1-50 and map control. it was like chess..


    Then they ruined Halo. Halo reach came out, tossed out the 50 ranking system, and majority of die hard halo fans were outraged. Halo Reach didn't go over to well with MLG did it?

    Halo 4, flop. Looked like a pastel comic book. I rented it, took it back the same day.

    In Reach, I can't even play Team Slayer because of jet packs, armor lock, and no Battle Rifle. They are stupid, annoying, and NOT HALO! So all I play now is Team Snipers, the only thing they didn't screw up.. other than the fact it still isn't ranked.

    I was hoping this entire time that Halo 5 was bringing back the 1-50 ranking system.. What a huge disappointment!

    Bring back the 1-50 ranking system, bring back the Battle Rifle, over shield, all of that. Get rid of jet packs and armor lock. Bring back Halo, not this jacked up game your calling Halo nowadays.

    You want to test it? Make a playlist in this new jacked up Halo 5, called "Traditional Team BRs" or something. Exactly like Halo 3/Halo 2. 1-50, over shield/invis so we can have map control and team work. No jetpack or any of that. Starting with a BR. Exactly like Halo 3 Team BRs. I guarantee you it will be the most popular playlist.


    Halo died after the 1-50 ranking system was taken away. You would think you would have learned after the first bad business move, but you keep repeating it over and over, expecting different results. That is the definition of insanity.

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