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Owyn Frost

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Posts posted by Owyn Frost

  1. This was Halo: CE and Halo 2. What ultimately tipped me off that this was happening was I had beat the campaigns by myself and had been running down achievements for them, and in the course of doing so, ended up getting at least 9,000 Campaign Medals (I know this because I unlocked the achievements for getting 1,000 Campaign Medals, 2,000, etc.)

    However, when I started going back through the game again in split-screen co-op with my wife, I noticed she wasn't getting ANY campaign medals. Ultimately, we realized that campaign medals go to the person who is signed in as First Player.


    This makes no sense and I can't see ANY reason why campaign medals wouldn't go to BOTH players. We both have legitimate accounts with Xbox Live, both accounts are Gold and paid for, so I don't see what the problem is. I was hoping to find out of this was a glitch or an intentional flaw.

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