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Posts posted by Hemonecrophagia

  1. this information that you require, is ancient, fortunately old hemonecrophagia gonna lay it down for ya, you have separate stats between your online and offline game status, this includes separate offline consoles normally, this is so everyone levels up responsibly instead of farming in the offline....it's normal, your gonna reset(even if you don't has gold) for playing on another system

  2. it received hate because reach is a more professional take on the halo series, alot of people played it before playing the other titles and didnt understand it, and some expected halo 3, not to mention there was alot in the alphas and betas that never made it to the final, such as space pvp battles, and ai map creation on forge, alotta the weapons are also under powered compared to halo3 and 4, you have to work harder on acuracy and straff movements, and the physics are more advanced in the way of realism that bungie had been trying to implement, i think bungie could have added more to it, and should of kept their dlc list for those of us who bought it all, considering the online count isnt exaclty reliable in the way that it doesn't add people alotta times to the poll count, not to mention the dlc play list was taken off when everyone finally bought it, you cant expect people to by it if your not gonna let them use it in matchmaking(not many want to wait for people who have it to randomly pop up, i have all the dlc and havent played one of em ever, so that's ridiculous)......


    certain weapons such as the plasma repeater and needle rifle should have had more shield piercing capabilities, while certain shrapnel weapons such as the DMR should have had more effect on armor, they also could have done updates that added more weapons into the game so the fans would keep interest and would have maybe inspired 343 to do the same, some story additions would have been amazing to, after all i would like reach to have more levels, would have been neat to play as other reach survivors like buck from ODST, not to mention chief was on reach, could have played him there, or playing as jun who left with halsey, could have also added forge dlc, the plasma pistol also ran outta charge power to quickly,  the brute shot (seeing that it shoots giant metal heated spikes) should have done more damage, and been involved on more maps, its to bad they didn't add the brute shot, has always been my favorite halo weapon of all time...


    the needler should have had more melee damage as youre stabbing others with a spiked bladed gun, the difference in mind between a blunt weapon and a bladed weapon on your opponent, additions to forge could have involved more fx and gadgets, maybe vehicle additions like the revenant or hornet, let you spawn up props like pelicans(unusable because they had issues with them being used) or some animals that run around, maybe change the skybox as an option, could have added skins and textures, or even different items to the building sets, maybe new decor, a custom color editor, let you color the vehicles, or even design your buildings with art and pics, more vegetation or natural items would have been nice, more custom gameype capabilities and spawning methods, along with custom objectives, many things they could have added, but they were always to focused on the pvp sadly

  3. Hi im new to both this site and the halo 4 clan community, as such i am starting a new clan with a friend, i have a site and a ranking system, with alot more setup, but im currently short on man power, were called     "the order"(silly name isnt it). the clan is based off of scifi factons, as such our primary weapon of choice consist of energy weaponry(mainly covenant), but we also train in UNSC, we are open minded towards all personnel and being new have neither won nor lost a raid, i and my associate "Texas RVB" have served and commanded in quite a few clans over the past few years and decided to give creating one a shot, we accept anyone who is 14+, even if your new to the game we will help you on your way towards halo superiority, we are in need of leadership positions to help get things moving along, but we are also interested in anyone who just wants to be apart of something great and new. as such to the first 32 gamers to join, shall be each given positions of leadership, and perhaps one may prove themselves reliable enough to be my second in command,



    we are consisted of three branches-


    1. Shock troopers

    main force

    2. Demoralizers

    sport tactical, ricochet, griffball, oddball ect....

    3. agents

    specops, generally assassins trained to add pressure on enemy leadership


    branches may be added in the future depending on how many we have in our clan, 

    as we try to maintain 30 per branch..


    After branches are filled leaders may start their own branches to add to the clan, under their command


    if you are interested you can send a message to me(my gamertag is the same as my username)or my associate "Texas RvB" (who is our rule keeper),  or if you like you can sign up on our recruiting page here at our home;




    we are very open minded, and enjoy hearing the ideas of others, and are big on proper co-op and proper leadership, as such we are interested in hearing any ideas on site improvements, and clan layout, 



    if you find any difficulties with the site than please message me at your earliest convenience.......


  4. ESO wasnt really that fun for me compared to skyrim, normally these games are about the player and how the world bends to your whim, but ESO doesnt give me that feeling, i do like to play it though, but bethesda is making another game to be a follow up for skyrim, leaving Zenimax with ESO,  rumors so far say its "black marsh" as their next target, ill be playing fallout 4 when its out, cant wait for that

  5. howz abouts ;

    the gun is a symbiotic piece with the floods arm, shrapnel from a downed wreckage and scavenged armor pieces off of fallen troops are what make up its structure, fires heated variants of the needle spores they shot in halo 3

  6. Hello im hemonecrophagia i just signed up here after discovering this site recently ive been playing halo since the first game came out, and i have played every one except halo wars, i am currently running a clan with a friend and enjoy building forge maps, and will help out anyone who needs some extra hands, i am very cooperative in war game matches and would love to assist, and love to co-op on the campaigns, i currently have all the dlc on reach, mythic disc for halo3, champions bundle along with crimson dlc on halo 4, i also like to play odst, besides halo im in to rpgs and fps's like doom and quake that possess a quick trigger environment, i dont have the master chief collection yet, so im sticking with 360 halo until then :thumbsup:

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