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Posts posted by Slipz

  1. First of all the early beta access hasn't gone live yet and secondly MS hasn't started sending out the codes yet also check your messages on xbox as MS has only sent out invitations for the early access.

    i was told that "if you are a 'xbox one preview' member, you are eligible for a halo 5 beta test code" i know it isnt up yet. but my question is why do some people have it downloading at this moment. i get why some of the Halo pros do, but others do too. i asked MS if they sent out the codes and was told "contact 343i at   343industries.org to ask further about the beta test codes" do they send out codes later or what? im lost as to how i can get the code for the preview members...

  2. i just got done talking to someone from xbox support to confirm that i am a "xbox preview" program member. and it is also said that if you are, you get access to the halo:5 beta. i didnt get an email, or anything with a code. am i missing something? what do i do? i just really want to play halo 5. i cant even buy halo:mcc even if i wanted to, so i was happy knowing i could possibly play the beta without it. if you see this 343, please help. also anyone who is having the same issue who has it fixed please help as well. 

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