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Posts posted by FerretMunch

  1. What the hell guys.


    We've been waiting 15 years to play this game on console, and the matchmaking keeps being messed with.  I was very happy to actually see a Halo:CE-only playlist, and with its faults (such as 3v3 and stupid gametypes/gametypes on map that didn't suit the small player list) my friends and I have been playing it.


    Now it's 2 on 2?  I could have been playing that on my original xbox in 2001!  I was expecting the 3v3 to be expanded to 4v4, not reduced to this barely-playable function of the game.


    -Make it 4 on 4.

    -Take all the CTF away, unless it's a small map like Wizard.  As a matter of fact, unless it's 4v4, that seems to be the only map where CTF is reasonable to play.

    -Things like sniper-only on Hang-em-High, or shotgun no-shield on Prisoner and Rat Race should be good additions to these small party games.

    That being said, the favorites would be Chill Out, Damntation, and Hang em High were always fan favorites for slayer.  Damntation and King of the Hill were also welcome on the mutli-level maps such ast he last two.

    -Other suggestion would be to drop CTF from longest, and have slayer be the only type (honestly, smae for Battle Creek unless 4v4 is implemented).

    -Boarding Action could be pretty good for a 4v4 slayer type as well.



    Seriously, we don't even want to play with these new gametypes.  I would rather wait 5 minutes for a 4v4 than have to do what feels like a forced game from lack of players.  FIX THIS NOW OR AT LEAST GO BACK TO THE OLD PLAYLIST.


    (this game was purely bought on the basis of Halo 1 online.  it has killed the LAN community, so it should at least try to recreate some of the playability of it instead of trying to recreate 2v2 that could be played on the same box on the original console two generations ago)


    Thank you.

  2. The easiest way is to just throw a plasma grenade when you hear the beep and see the door light up.  They seem to have the perfect timing with when the doors actually open --or wait a tinge longer and throw a frag.  Then just mop up with your sniper/AR/plasma pistol.  Oh, and I should mention that the plasma pistol is probably the most underrated gun in all of the campaign.  Not only can it take down full shields charged, but you can spam it as fast as your trigger finger can pull.  Paired with a pistol, and this is the only combo you'll need for 90% of covenant encounters.


    That being said, I hope you hung onto the sniper for the whole level, because taking on hunters at the end is more of a pain in the ass without 1-hit-kill weapons.  Just bait them to charge and raise their shields, then shoot them straight in the gut.

  3. Is there any plan to put in a Halo 1 playlist?


    For over a decade now, I've been waiting for a way to play THE Halo online (other than xbconnect).  My first dissapointment was anniversary, which was NOT Halo 1.  It was reskinned reacharound.  Then when I heard my nostalgic gaming pipe dream was finally going live, two console generations later, I jumped at the opportunity!  When I finally got one of my old Halo buddies and brother around to play (unfortunately only two controllers, if guest support works for H1 then we'd be in business).


    Sure I have a few minor gripes: It's a port of Halo PC, not the original Xbox version (any Halohead would immediately notice the difference).  There are campaign tweaks for increased enemies and disabling of some fun glitches.  Although you can go back to original music, you cannot go back to original sound effects (most noticable with the guns).  The multiplayer netcode is on the same plane as Gearbox's unpatched entry (i.e. aim 2 feet in front of any moving guy, and shields may show up after they're down --even after death).  And to touch on Halo 2, it's the patched version which fixes some griefer glitches, but has the laser-like battle rifle (bleh).


    Okay, now that my uterian flushing has been vented, here is my main gripe:  THERE IS NO DEDICATED HALO 1 PLAYLIST!  I've been waiting over a decade to rekindle my love of this classic of LAN party games, and maybe one game in 6 is the original game.  Between H2 BRs and H3 nausea, I can only get a mere taste of why I bought the package.  Not to mention --there is a team glitch, where half the time I'm playing AGAINST my friend!  Talk about screen-peeking issues.


    The praise I can give is that the few rounds I have played have adhered to the MLG-esque gametype:

    AR and Pistol Starting weapons

    Green Indicator over heads

    FF on

    No Motion Tracker (iirc.  This particular feature is important to play-style)

    4v4 (I'm open to 8v8 on larger maps, but not the rumored 2v2)


    If only there were other LAN classics like sniper-only (no pistol secondary), no-shield shotgun (team and FFA), and 8v8 CTF.




    So, are we any closer to a Halo: Combat Evolved ONLY playlist?  With friends who only play Halo 1, and a few with 1 and 2, we haven't been jiving at all with this H1,2,2.5,3 team slayer playlist, opting to quit whenever it's not the original.  Please give me some good news 343!







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