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Posts posted by Maransky

  1. I want 343 to know I will never buy another game that they have any part of and I will also do everything I can to make sure anyone I know does the same!! This is the biggest joke ever! We pay outrageous prices for these games and can't even play them, you did the same thing with halo 4(which was by far the worst of the halo series btw!) now this! I for one am tired of being dicked around by these company's and I will not take it anymore I don't care if I have to break out my NES! I miss buying games and when you went to play them they worked! There is no excuse for this crap you people have literally years to make these games and you still can't get it right it's a joke your team is a joke and it's so obvious that you don't care about us the gamers! Just line your pockets sit back point and laugh! How this is not a crime I'll never understand, let's say I opened a store and sold tvs for example, but the tvs didn't work, and I said to people that bought the tvs assuming they were brand new working tvs "oh I'm really sorry we are working really hard a fixing them" yet still not fix them just kept saying that I would bet my life that I would be charged for it! Whatever though my point is this is bs and I'm so done with it and I really hope others start putting the foot down also!!

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