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Tim Mender

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Posts posted by Tim Mender

  1. It's been about 2 weeks and the heart of this game is still non-functional, I think it's pretty clear that this game is broken. Beta games are not to be sold for profit and I think its time to do the customers right and refunds should be issued. There have been 2 patches....a server patch that didn't require the user to download anything and a 2GB patch that was released on Friday. It's broken, so give everyone their money back.

    I cannot believe they are actually allowed to sell games for a full price when they feel like an alpha version. The fact that there is still lag in co-op campaign makes me sick, and weren't there supposed to be dedicated servers in matchmaking? It is honestly horrible, the one game I was actually dying to play this year and you ruined it 343. You were focused way to much on how much content you have, and quite frankly if people really wanted to play halo 1-4 they could of bought a 360. Halo 2 anniversary should of been the only game on disc, and all of the maps should of been remade. You have all of our money, now do something useful with it and fix all of the bugs, give us the game we bought.
    I cannot believe they are actually allowed to sell games for a full price when they feel like an alpha version. The fact that there is still lag in co-op campaign makes me sick, and weren't there supposed to be dedicated servers in matchmaking? It is honestly horrible, the one game I was actually dying to play this year and you ruined it 343. You were focused way to much on how much content you have, and quite frankly if people really wanted to play halo 1-4 they could of bought a 360. Halo 2 anniversary should of been the only game on disc, and all of the maps should of been remade. You have all of our money, now do something useful with it and fix all of the bugs, give us the game we bought.


    There are not suppose to sell Beta games. Kind of funny on how they blocked refunds on digital purchases, they knew the game was broken before launch. The only thing you can really do is hope for patches and refuse to buy Halo 5.

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