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Posts posted by mg2030

  1. hey every body im new to the site and im here to post about a custom game that iv made a along time ago.. back when halo 4 came out the halo reach days where starting to fade, so im here to play with you fine ladies and gentlemen with my best mapes iv ever made and alot of my old and new friends love.. Spartan VS Elite i have about six versoins about that one subject there all related with story wise but new in fighting wise. its slayer, red vs blue, red is spartan and blue is elites. so the players on blue change there speciee to elites and vise versa. so if you would like to help me we can play make sure to message me and or add me GT: mg2030, please tell me who you are or how you know me so i know what you want to play, thank you for reading this and hope i get some replies so it can feel like the old days!

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