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Posts posted by Spartan9316

  1. Back in the early 2000s we had awesome epic space operas like Battlestar Galactica and Babylon 5. I used to see a lot of commercials promoting the Battlestar Galactica TV series back in 2004-05. I was never interested in sci fi until earlier this year when I played the first Mass Effect under the recommendation of a friend. I thought the Battle for the Citadel scene was epic. I have yet to watch Battlestar Galactica and Babylon 5.



    Why don't we see shows like Battlestar Galactica or Babylon 5 anymore? Did the network execs decide the genre was dead? I think we need more epic space battles on TV.

    It was long thought that fantasy was a genre once thought reserved for geeks but Game of Thrones has a broad audience. Perhaps a well written space opera with a huge budget could appeal to a diverse audience.


    Do you think this genre should be revived?



    Why doesn't HBO take their chances on sci fi?

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  2. home_header_noflash_1000x467.jpg= Star Trek/Battlestar Galactica/Babylon 5


    Valiant_Hearts_Key_Art.jpg= All Quiet on the Western Front


    Assassins-Creed-4-Black-Flag1.jpg= Pirates of the Caribbean


    Why do people still think video games are children's toys? Today's games have themes to appeal to adults. I think it is unethical to relegate entire mediums to children's entertainment. When comic first came out they were held to a strict code. Is there still a stigma against people who play them? I know a fighter pilot who plays World of Warcraft.

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  3. I like how Halo is the cash cow, but Star Wars is the cool example.


    The franchise probably doesn't have the appropriate audience for an action cartoon.


    Adult cartoons have been made. Cartoon Network has Adult Swim.


    Here is one cartoon that has aired on Adult Swim and yes people do get shot.





    We used to have awesome bad ass action cartoons like Samurai Jack and the Clone Wars. What happened? Are action cartoons no longer profitable?


    Microsoft sees Halo as a cash cow that needs to be milked for all it's worth. They got two award winning directors to produce their own separate Halo series. Perhaps 343 should look into making a Halo animated series.


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