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Posts posted by DriverRettro

  1. Halo 5 should add the following:



    1. A longer, MUCH LONGER, campaign. 

    2. Continue the exploration with different mechs, vehicles and jet packing. 

    3. Space Battles (Halo Reach did this) with large environments instead of a railed path. 

    4. The game should be more "Vertical".

    5. Don't make the game cross platform (360 and Xbone), focus on the antique Xbone alone.  




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  2. Destiny was C average game it could turn into something better if Bungie steps up with their format. I'm looking forward how hard Bungie will suck from now on or if they can keep up with good relevant updates. 


    There should be space battles and at least use the transport ship for something. Crota's end was below average and the set of weapons are uninspiring in this endless grinder. 


    Bungie should allow more exploration expanding their bounding box on the stages, increase the AI tactical and military accuracy and diversify the races. 


    The Cabal was their best design. Would be interesting to have their heavy armor, better jet packing and strafe and heavy Gatling Gun. 


    The Fallen, Vex, and Cabal where good however the Hive sucked greatly. This game could turn out good if Bungie stops being so Bungie with their philosophy. They should expand the existing levels adding more detail and updates to a TRUE NEXT GENERATION game and stop looking at the PS3 and 360 antique museum boxes.


    Would be great to see DLC that actually improves the game with better vehicles, graphics updates and weapons. They should tone down the insane grinding. 

  3. Halo is a season game. You simply revisit it through the year just to have fun or sharpen your skill against other players. The game franchise settled good ideas for further FPS games. I don't consider Halo boring. You have to see other games, play other games and revisit it from time to time. If you focus yourself on one franchise you will get bored of it very soon. 


    Franchises takes time, evolution an lots of investments in order to improve. Expecting too much on a game, will make you drop it off and in the end despise it. You have to manage your disappointment issues by playing other platforms, play on PC and then come back playing this game. 

  4. MS will NOT release MCC for PC. 


    MS will NOT work against the fiasco of the XBONE. 


    MS will NOT allow PC players modify, redesign and alter the graphics of the existing game. 





    Because in this business the purpose is to rescue the dying XBONE. With these exclusive titles MS could sustain the console. This is one of the right magnets to attract public to their console. The PS4 carved a dent on MS industry and the only way they can recoup the investment is through console sales and a numerous installed base. Otherwise MS will close their console game division. 

  5. " If it were moved to PC, the amount of people who pirate and/or who won't buy the Xbox One would be insane."



    1. An online game is hard to pirate since there will be constant updates. 

    2. PC players produces money for the same business corporation Microsoft. Sales will benefit MS either way. 

    3. Not everybody wants to spend 400 on a new consoles when PC players already have a good PC to play their games. 

  6. I better leave the game on the console. It is a console game. It should remain there. 



    If you want a better game then look for a true remastering of Metro Redux on PC. 



    Halo MCC may be good but MS is going to keep it for the weak Xbone console. Sales are favoring the PS4 3:1 worldwide. MS doesn't like the idea of seeing the Xbone getting boned through the upcoming years by the PS4 like is happening right now. Their fiasco requires handling of prime console game movers. Halo is one of their magnets to keep people coming to their weak console. 


    So yes it is going to stay on console. 

  7. Yes, 40 % is DLC. 


    But the game deserves some continuity depending on how well the Xbox one performs. Right now the Xbox division is sinking if they do not increase sales this December. 


    The best DLCs  will be:


    1. New revision for Halo 1 maps with a true upgrade. 

    2. New revision for Halo 3 maps with a true upgrade. 

    3. Corrections, stage expansion and bug fixing for Halo 4. Upgrade frame rate and expand the existing worlds. 


    4. Better forge map editor and elements for the forge like vehicles and weapons. 

    5. Forge any part of the four main maps on the campaign mode. This task is demanding but many players want to forge or play on the mission maps. 

    6. Have Enemy AI to play with in the forge editor. Adjust their aim accuracy, Health, aggressiveness and military accuracy. 

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