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Posts posted by RealDealD

  1. So I am a huge speed run fan on Halo 4. If you don't know what speed run is then check out this video 




    Pete the duck created it so you might be familiar with it. I've only found two other speed run maps besides the original. So if anyone is intrested in creating one the make sure to post the map link on here. I would appreciate it a lot :)


    I'm not that great at forging, I tired to make one but it was just bad haha.


    Edit: Totally didn't realize that I posted this in in the halo 5 forge. If a fourm moderator could move this to the Halo 4 fourm that would be splendid :)

  2. Hi i'm Darion but you can just call me Real Deal :) I've been a halo fan since I could pick up an Xbox controller which was around Halo 2. I am a very active halo player and I've never given up on the series and never will. I'm from New York and have lived a pretty good life so far. I am going into my senior year of High School in a few weeks. I love wrestling and track. I love making new friends, especially halo fans haha. When I am older I would like to be a game tester or a physical education teacher. So yeah that's pretty much it. If you would like to hangout and play some games then just add me on Xbox. My gamertag is BxA Real Deal D. I have both the Xbox 360 and the Xbone. This won't be the last of me on the forums either. I plan on being active on here.

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